7 minutes

Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
1 min readJul 25, 2024

They say the human brain live up to 7 minutes before death just to replay the happiest memories of a person.

Since I was young, curiosity always leads me to where and what would happen to a human after death. Are they going to be reincarnated? Do they go to heaven if they lived with kindness? Is God going to judge them? Most would say, yes, God will judge them but reincarnation is something unfeasible.

And cause of that, death gives me horror. However, as I was scrolling through social media months ago, I saw something and remembered that the brain live up to 7 minutes after death just to replay the happiest memories of a person.

I thought,

Am I gonna be part of your 7 minutes?

Since then, I was no longer terrified of my own death, but of yours. What if I’m not a part of the seven-minute replay of your life?

I thought that the deathbed would be the scariest thing you can think of, but I was mistaken. Because what terrifies me the most right now is not knowing if I belong in your happiest times..

Or not.



Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

a lover who came across an app where she can talk about everything that no one notices