Earth Knower
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
2 min readJun 18, 2024


Inside a beautiful Garden with unexpected Thorns.

The Garden – favour

The garden is a place of perfect positioning. Where your life has lead you and you know it is exactly where you need to be. A place that allows you both mental rest and inspired movement. A favorable circumstance that makes you excited and satisfied, refreshed and grounded.

This is what you have needed for so long. An experience that fills your cup. A place where you are surrounded by joyful moments because you have opened your heart up. This beautiful place – within – is now your reality. The vision has come to pass.

This place you have longed for throughout your life. For so long, having felt unbalanced and lost. Having to persevere through hardship that felt unfair to you. Hope lingered and now it feels like you have been heard, seen, and are being catered for.

Still, in this place of rest and recuperation – your new personal sanctuary, work needs to be done. You realize that there are thorns in this garden.

The Thorn – misfortune

The Thorn is the element to your blessing that causes disturbance. It pricks. The broken piece of a perfect puzzle. An inconvenience. It challenges you. A threat to your newfound bliss.

It is unexpected. You would rather not have it exist. But it seems to be at the center of your new world.

And here lies the lesson.

Do not allow it to crash your on-stage moment. The spotlight is still on you. Do not allow it to steal your pure essence. Do not allow it to ruin your bountiful experience.

Call for strength to face it. Stay connected to your centre. The green light is still on for you. Move closer to the Source that fuels you up. Let that be your resting place. Be assured.



Earth Knower
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

Writing from my experience - living life as a generational curse-breaker. EarthKnower is my native name, in English.