A Mother’s Love

Hawkar Sarwar Majeed
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
3 min readJul 6, 2024

Liam, a ten-year-old boy with a heart full of dreams and a body wracked by cancer, sat quietly in his hospital bed. The room was a sterile white, filled with the hum of machines and the faint scent of antiseptic. His mother, Sarah, never left his side. She was his rock, her presence a constant source of comfort in the face of the unknown.

One day, while Sarah was in the hospital cafeteria grabbing a quick bite, Liam decided to write a message to his family. He pulled out his favorite superhero notebook, the one with the bright red cover, and a blue pen that had seen better days. He took a deep breath and began to write.

“Dear Mom, Emma, and Jack,

I know that sometimes it’s hard to see me like this, and I wish I could take away your pain. I see the tears you try to hide and the smiles you force for me. But I want you to know that your love gives me strength, even on the toughest days.

Mom, when I feel scared, I remember the stories you used to read to me before bed, the way your voice would make the world feel safe. When I’m in pain, I think about the times we laughed so hard our bellies hurt, and it helps me feel a little better.

Emma, you always know how to make me laugh with your silly jokes and funny faces. Your kindness and the way you share your favorite toys with me make the hospital feel less lonely. You are the best big sister anyone could ask for.

Jack, I love playing video games with you, even when I can’t keep up. Your patience and the way you cheer me on make me feel like a hero. You are an awesome little brother, and I’m so proud of you.

I know that I might not get better, and that scares me. But knowing that I have you all by my side makes it less frightening. If I can’t stay with you forever, please remember that I’ll always be with you in spirit. Every time you see a superhero, think of me and smile. Because to me, you’re all my superheroes.

Thank you for being the best family in the world. I love you more than words can say.



When Sarah returned, she found Liam asleep, the notebook clutched in his small hands. She gently took it from him and read his words. Tears streamed down her face as she held her son close, feeling his love envelop her like a warm embrace.

Months passed, and despite the doctors’ best efforts, Liam’s condition worsened. On a peaceful afternoon, surrounded by his family, Liam closed his eyes for the last time, leaving behind a world that would never be the same without him.

Sarah, Emma, and Jack were heartbroken, but they held on to the letter Liam had written. They read it together often, drawing strength from his words and the love he had for them. They planted a tree in their backyard in his memory, a place where they could gather and remember the brave boy who had touched their lives so deeply.

As the years went by, the tree grew strong and tall, its branches reaching for the sky. Every time they saw a superhero, they smiled, knowing that Liam was watching over them. They lived their lives with the same bravery and kindness Liam had shown, finding joy in the small moments and cherishing their time together.

In their hearts, Liam’s love lived on, a beacon of hope and strength that would never fade.

