Abandoned, Found, and Redeemed: A Father’s Journey from the Streets to Unconditional Love

Terrance Craddock
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
5 min readJun 30, 2024
Weathered road sign

Content warning: This post contains themes of child abandonment, homelessness, and abuse.

Life has a way of writing stories more poignant and unpredictable than any novel. My journey is one of abandonment and redemption, of falling through society’s cracks and finding the strength to not only survive but to break the cycle of neglect. This is a story about how the darkest moments of our lives can ultimately lead us to our greatest purpose.

Cast Aside: A Child Alone

Imagine a child, barely old enough to understand the world, watching as the only source of safety and love they’ve ever known drives away, leaving them alone on the side of a road. That child was me.

The years that followed were a blur of hunger, fear, and desperate survival. I became a shadow, slipping between alleys and dumpsters, learning the harsh lessons of a world that had no place for a castaway child. Each day was a battle against hunger, the elements, and the crushing weight of abandonment.

An Unexpected Angel

Just when I had resigned myself to a life of invisibility, fate intervened in the form of a man who saw me not as a nuisance, but as a child in need of love. He found me behind a dumpster, more ghost than boy, and offered me something I had long since stopped hoping for: a chance.

This man, far from wealthy himself, opened not just his home but his heart. He became the father I never had, nurturing the sparks of potential that had nearly been extinguished by years on the street. His love was the soil in which my broken spirit began to grow anew.

Rising from the Ashes

With a stable home and unwavering support, I threw myself into education with a hunger born from years of deprivation. Books became my refuge, learning my redemption. Against all odds, I clawed my way into college and emerged as a computer programmer, building a life I once could only have dreamed of.

History Echoes: A Call to Action

Years passed, and I thought I had left my painful past behind. Then came a message that shattered my newfound peace: I had a child, one who was facing homelessness and abuse. In that moment, my own history flashed before my eyes, and I knew what I had to do.

Without hesitation, I liquidated my assets, said goodbye to the life I had built, and flew across the country. The universe, it seemed, was offering me a chance to close a karmic circle — to be for another child what my adoptive father had been for me.

The Challenges of Healing

Nothing could have prepared me for the heartbreak of meeting my son. His first instinct upon seeing me was to cower, begging not to be hit. This child, my flesh and blood, had known nothing but cruelty and rejection. His autism, rather than being nurtured, had been punished.

In that moment, I understood that saving him would be the hardest and most important thing I would ever do.

Footprints in the sand

Building Our Fortress for Two

The road since then has been far from easy. Each day brings new challenges as we navigate the complexities of autism, the scars of abuse, and the fundamental task of learning to trust and love. There are moments of frustration, of setbacks, of tears.

But there are also moments of pure joy, of breakthroughs, of connection so profound it takes my breath away. We are learning together, healing together, facing a world that can be cruel with the unbreakable bond of two souls who have found in each other the family they always longed for.

The Lessons of a Life Redeemed

This journey has taught me that family is not about blood, but about choice. It’s about showing up, day after day, even when it’s hard. Especially when it’s hard. It’s about seeing the divine potential in another soul and dedicating yourself to nurturing that potential, no matter the cost.

I’ve learned that the cycle of abandonment and abuse can be broken, but it takes courage, sacrifice, and a love bigger than yourself. I’ve learned that sometimes, the greatest gifts come disguised as our greatest challenges.

A New Dawn

Our story is far from over. There will be more obstacles, more tears, more moments when the weight of our past threatens to overwhelm us. But there will also be more laughter, more growth, and more love than I ever thought possible.

To anyone out there feeling alone, struggling against a past that threatens to define you, know this: your story isn’t finished. The love you’ve been denied exists in this world, often in the most unexpected places. Sometimes, the family you choose — or the family that chooses you — becomes the greatest gift of all.

And to my son, who may someday read this: You are not the product of your past, but the promise of your future. We may be bruised, but we are unbroken. Together, we are stronger than any storm. You are loved, you are worthy, and you are enough. Always.

Beautiful sun set with hands in the shape of a heart.

If this story has moved you, consider supporting organizations that help abandoned children or promote autism awareness and support. Together, we can create a world where no child feels unwanted or unloved.



Terrance Craddock
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

I love to write and share my experiences. Join me on my journey as I explore the world and try to give you valuable content.