
Atlas: The world beyond the ice ring

Secrets at the Earth’s Frozen circumference

Tyrone Petersen
19 min readJul 6, 2024


"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." — Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring

This is a made-up narrative about the world that exists outside the ice wall.

However, there are human discoveries and knowledge about Atlas

1. Old Legends and Mythology:

Earthly scholars and historians have examined old writings, legends, and folklore that allude to the existence of a magical place called Atlas.

These texts often describe Atlas as a land of magic, inhabited by diverse species and governed by mystical laws.

2. Expeditions:

There have been many claims made by explorers and adventurers throughout history about portals or miraculous passageways leading to Atlas.

Although there isn't much hard proof to support these assertions, there are people who firmly think that these gateways really exist.

3. Scientific Interest and Speculation:

The idea of parallel dimensions and different realities, including the potential existence of a world similar to Atlas, intrigues contemporary scientists and scholars.

Motivated by ideas like as the multiverse and quantum physics, theoretical physicists and cosmologists conjecture about the nature of such realms.

4. Cultural Influence:

Writers, artists, and filmmakers draw inspiration from the mythical tales of Atlas, creating imaginative stories and visual representations of this mystical realm.

The concept of Atlas has permeated popular culture, appearing in literature, movies, and video games, sparking the imagination of people worldwide.

In the world beyond the ice ring, Atlas is a hidden and fantastical land, filled with wonders and ancient secrets. It is a realm shielded from our view by the vast Antarctic ice, where towering crystal spires, lush forests, and rivers of liquid light create a landscape of breathtaking beauty.

In the Gaia Snowman—a mythical representation of the interconnected elements of our world—Atlas holds a significant place. The Gaia Snowman symbolizes the balance and harmony between different realms and forces of nature.

Atlas represents the unknown and unexplored, embodying the potential for discovery and the expansion of human knowledge. Its existence challenges the boundaries of our understanding, encouraging exploration and curiosity. The Great Library of Atlas, with its repository of ancient wisdom and advanced technology, serves as a metaphor for the pursuit of knowledge and the enlightenment that comes from uncovering hidden truths.

In the Gaia Snowman, Atlas is the heart, symbolizing the source of life and creativity that drives progress and harmony. It reminds us of the importance of balance between known and unknown, nature and technology, and the pursuit of knowledge while respecting the mysteries that remain beyond our current understanding.



Beyond the Antarctic ice ring is a large and hidden territory that rivals the combined landmass of all of Earth's continents. Imagine a region so vast it seems like a whole new world, full of uncharted territory and unspoiled scenery.

Some of the most unusual geographical features can be found in Atlas. There is nothing like its soaring crystal spires elsewhere on Earth. As these spires shimmer in the sunlight, the surrounding area is colored like a kaleidoscope. There are bioluminescent woods all over the place, where plants and trees glow subtly, giving the night sky a beautiful, organic glow.

There are also large, peaceful lakes filled with liquid light; the rivers and lakes have an enigmatic, otherworldly radiance that makes for an enthralling sight. The Atlas Mountains are crowned with thick vegetation and tumbling waterfalls that empty into glistening pools of water. Miles-long networks of vast cave systems, home to underground rivers and rare minerals, can be found beneath the surface.

Every one of Atlases ecosystems is more vivid and intricate than the last, exhibiting remarkable diversity. Numerous species of flora and fauna that are unique to the woodlands cannot be found anywhere else on Earth. It is possible to come across trees that gently hum with the wind, seasonal color-changing flowers, and animals possessing remarkable skills such as glowing fur or the ability to fly without using wings.

The themes of Atlas center around harmony and coexistence.

The inhabitants, descendants of an ancient and advanced civilization, have achieved a perfect balance with their environment.

They use advanced technologies that are seamlessly integrated with nature, creating sustainable, self-sufficient communities. Their cities blend into the landscape, with buildings made from living materials that grow and adapt over time.

Atlas is a world of infinite beauty where the landscapes and ecosystems are both familiar and fantastical. Its vast area, unique geographic features, and rich ecosystems create wonder that inspires endless curiosity and exploration. It's a realm that challenges our understanding of the world and invites us to imagine the possibilities that lie beyond the known.

History of Atlas


Legend has it that Atlas was created when strong natural forces and old magic came together. The lands, sculpted by tectonic movements and volcanic activity, emerged from the depths of the ancient waters, characterized by glistening rivers and tall crystal spires.

The Suminites, an ancient culture renowned for its knowledge and cutting-edge technology, play a major role in Atlas' history. The wisdom of the Suminites has been passed down through the generations, making them skilled engineers and architects.

They harnessed the natural energies of Atlas, creating harmonious cities that blended seamlessly with the environment. Their technology was organic, often living and evolving alongside their society. The Suminites’ impact on Atlas is profound, seen in the enduring structures, the intricate network of glowing rivers, and the lush, self-sustaining ecosystems. They laid the foundation for a society where nature and technology coexisted in perfect balance.

Nestled in a hidden valley surrounded by golden peaks, El Dorado is a marvel of Suminites’ engineering. Its buildings are embellished with elaborate mosaics of gold and crystal, and its streets are paved with dazzling stones that sparkle in the sunlight.

El Dorado is famed for its Great Library, housing scrolls and artifacts that chronicle the history of Atlas and the wisdom of the Suminites. The city is a beacon of knowledge and beauty, attracting scholars and adventurers from all corners of Atlas.

Strategically located on a high plateau overlooking the vast plains of Atlas. Known for its formidable walls and watchtowers, Scriviniorta is a center of military might and governance for the Suminites. The city’s architecture is robust, with massive stone structures that have withstood the test of time. Scriviniorta is also home to the Hall of Heroes, a grand hall honoring the greatest warriors and leaders of Atlas. It serves as a reminder of the strength and resilience of the Suminites, standing as a guardian of Atlas’s history and legacy.

Atlas captures the imagination with its tales of a civilization that thrived in harmony with its magical and natural surroundings.

Despite its vast size it has a surprisingly dense population. The exact figures are unknown, as census-taking in this mystical realm differs from Earthly methods. However, estimates suggest that Atlas is home to several million inhabitants spread across its varied landscapes. The population density varies widely, with bustling cities like El Dorado exhibiting high concentrations of residents, while remote wilderness areas remain sparsely populated.

The arrival of humans to Atlas:

Humans arrived in Atlas through a phenomenon known as the Celestial Convergence.

This cosmic event, occurring at a rare celestial alignment, created a temporary portal between Earth and Atlas. Through this portal, a group of explorers and adventurers from Earth's ancient civilizations ventured into Atlas.

The Leviathan’s Gate, the Sentinels' Gate, the Serpents' Gate, and the Tigers' Gate are the names of these gates. The beaches at each gate are warm enough to sustain light vegetation and wildlife that has adapted to the cold, even though the majority of the Ice Wall is covered in ice caps.

They were drawn by tales of a mythical land beyond the ice ring, where magic and ancient knowledge thrived.

Upon their arrival, the humans found themselves unable to return through the portal that brought them to Atlas. The Celestial Convergence closed shortly after their arrival, leaving them stranded in this new and mysterious realm. Over time, the memory of their origins on Earth faded into legend, as Atlas became their new home.

Separated from Earth, humans in Atlas adapted to their new environment. They integrated with the existing inhabitants, learning from the elves, dwarves, and other mythical beings who had long inhabited the realm. Together, they built civilizations, cities like El Dorado and Scriviniorta, blending human ingenuity with the realm's inherent magic and natural wonders.

Atlas underwent a distinctive cultural and societal evolution as a result of its remoteness from Earth. Together with the other residents, humans embraced the magical energies and harmonious natural environment of the realm, establishing a civilization that flourished in tune with its surroundings and influenced continued research and revelation of its secrets.

The coming of people from Earth to Atlas and their eventual departure from it are significant moments in the realm's history, ushering in a new era in the history of this magical and enigmatic country beyond the ice ring.

Atlas is a realm renowned for its diverse ethnic groups.

Humans: The most numerous ethnic group in Atlas, humans are mostly found in both rural and urban areas. The sophisticated city people of El Dorado and the hardy villagers of the isolated valleys are only two examples of the diverse cultures and beliefs they carry with them.

Duendes: Magical and mischievous, the Duendes are small-framed but big-spirited creatures that live in Atlas's secret glades and enchanted forests. They are renowned for having a strong bond with the natural world and for employing magic to preserve the surrounding flora and animals. Craftspeople with great skill, duendes create elaborate jewelry and objects charged with magical energy.

Blemmye: The hardy and migratory Blemmye people cross the immense deserts and parched plains of Atlas. They are renowned for their tenacity and survival abilities, and they coexist peacefully with the hostile settings they their home. The Blemmye are skilled hunters and trackers, and their culture is rich in lore about mythical animals and oral traditions.

Vogelvolk: Majestically beautiful winged creatures, the Vogelvolk soar above Atlas's vast skies and mountain peaks. They are well known for their adeptness at flying and their strong feeling of camaraderie. Vogelvolk are master storytellers and musicians; their songs reverberate with the natural rhythms of the land, rippling across the valleys.

Zhuado: Guardians of Atlas's watery domains, the Zhuado are ethereal creatures found in rivers and deep seas. Their ethereal beauty and grace captivate anyone who beholds them, since they have adapted to the aquatic conditions. Zhuado people are renowned for their knowledge and ability to connect with the elemental powers of water, which they use for healing and defense.


Religions and Cultures

Ma'alik Faith:

A philosophy of life based on respect for the elements and natural forces. A pantheon of deities representing earth, air, fire, water, and other elements is the focal point of the Ma'alik Faith in Atlas. Adherents hold that these spirits uphold the universe's equilibrium. To worship these components, they carry out rituals like as offering ceremonies, and to commune with their divine energies, they engage in meditation. They communicate with the spirits in sacred spots such as natural areas and groves.


Pastafarism is a humorous and sarcastic twist on traditional religion that is more on the lighter side. It centers on the worship of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM), a gigantic flying mass of meatballs and spaghetti that is portrayed as a deity. The fundamental beliefs of Pastafarians are comedy and scientific skepticism. Among their whimsical customs are the colanders worn as religious headdresses and the oddball holidays like "Talk Like a Pirate Day" and "Pastover." It ultimately comes down to supporting the right to free speech and ridiculing conventional religious doctrine.

Daily life In Atlas

Vibrant celebrations honoring everything from heavenly occurrences to abundant harvests. Feasts, music, dance, and rituals all abound throughout these celebrations of cultural heritage and communal relationships.

Beautiful jewelry, ceramics, fabrics, and sculptures are produced by artisans and craftsmen throughout Atlas. Their art combines spiritual meaning with aesthetic appeal, frequently drawing inspiration from natural elements, mythological creatures, and religious symbols.

In order to enhance both bodily and spiritual well-being, traditional healers and shamans combine herbal treatments, energy work, and spiritual ceremonies. They play important roles in society. The therapeutic properties of natural energy and harmony with the environment are stressed in their practices.

Imagine enjoying engrossing stories of mythology and folklore that have been passed down through the ages while seated by a fire. These tales preserve history, moral precepts, and myths regarding the enigmatic inhabitants of Atlas and its origins, while also providing entertainment and education.

In Atlas, sustainable living and reverence for the natural world are valued cultural standards. Rituals and practices ensure a harmonious coexistence between humans and the environment by safeguarding sacred locations and encouraging responsible care of natural resources.

A large number of people have adopted the Ma’alik Faith and revere elemental spirits and natural forces as the realm’s guardians. In an effort to achieve harmony and balance in their lives, they take part in rites and ceremonies that pay homage to these spirits.

Some humans in Atlas practice an eclectic form of spiritualism, blending elements of various Earth religions with local beliefs and customs. This syncretic approach allows for a diverse range of practices and rituals tailored to individual and community needs.

Certain human communities in Atlas maintain traditions of ancestor worship, revering their forebears as spiritual guides and protectors. They celebrate ancestral festivals and perform rituals to honor and seek guidance from their lineage.

Humans delve into arcane studies and esoteric practices in occult guilds and mystical orders dotting Atlas. These groups often search for the magical mysteries of the world by pursuing hidden knowledge of magic, old lore, and spiritual enlightenment.

Humans in Atlas have developed philosophical movements that center on the study of existential issues, morality, and the nature of reality. These movements promote reflection, discussion, and the search for wisdom as means of achieving spiritual enlightenment.


Political and Social Structure

Atlas is a realm characterized by diverse landscapes and cultural regions, each with its own unique identity and governance structure.

1. El Dorado

A thriving metropolis surrounded by fertile plains and lush forests. El Dorado is well known for its cutting-edge architecture, thriving marketplaces, and diverse cultural offerings. El Dorado's economy is based on trade, handicrafts, and a strong reverence for the natural world. People are renowned for their commitment to maintaining their cultural heritage and their spirit of entrepreneurship.

2. Scriviniorta

The kingdom of Scriviniorta, which is situated in the rough mountains and profound valleys of Atlas, is renowned for its tenacity and inventiveness. Its inhabitants are expert miners and craftspeople. Community cohesion and self-sufficiency are important to Scriviniortans. They create beautiful jewelry and metalwork, and they have a long history of storytelling.

3. Verdant Isles

A group of verdant islets scattered among Atlas's blue waters. The ethereal ruins, profusion of fauna, and tropical splendor of the Verdant Isles are well-known. Islanders are skilled navigators and traders, with strong connections to coastal settlements around the realm. They hold the ocean and its bounty in the highest regard.

4. Aurelia

A kingdom of rolling hills and fertile plains, where agriculture flourishes under the guidance of druidic traditions. Aurelia is known for its mystical groves and serene landscapes. Aurelians hold a strong connection to the land and practice sustainable farming methods. They celebrate seasonal festivals that honor the cycles of nature and the spirits of the earth.

Across Atlas, social structures vary widely based on geography and cultural practices. Urban centers like El Dorado foster bustling economies driven by commerce and innovation, while rural communities such as those in Aurelia emphasize communal living and agricultural traditions.

Demonyms, or the names used to identify people from specific regions, reflect the cultural diversity of Atlas. Each country or region has its own demonym, which often carries historical and cultural significance. For example, Doradians from El Dorado are known for their cosmopolitan outlook and entrepreneurial spirit, while Scriviniortans take pride in their craftsmanship and mountain resilience.

Crime in Atlas? you bet it exists. Just like any realm, you've got your fair share of shady characters and dubious dealings lurking in the shadows. From petty theft to arcane scams, the spectrum runs wild. But it’s not all doom and gloom.

See, justice in Atlas isn’t just about throwing folks in a dungeon. It’s a mix of mystical law enforcement, community justice councils, and sometimes, a touch of magical retribution, instead of your typical court drama, you might end up facing off against a guild of mages who decide your fate with a flick of their wands.

And morality? there’s the usual good versus evil stuff, but in a realm where magic and tradition blend, ethics get real fuzzy. Heroes wrestle with tough choices, and villains? Well, they’ve got reasons that might just make you question what's right and wrong.

Watch your back and maybe think twice before crossing paths with a dubious sorcerer or a guild with a grudge.

In Atlas, there are some fascinating healing herbs, each with unique properties. Here's a quick look at them and their Earth equivalents:

1. Lunaflora: A glowing flower used for healing wounds and calming teas. On Earth, Chamomile serves a similar purpose.

2. Verdant Leaf: Broad leaves that reduce inflammation and boost immunity, akin to Aloe Vera.

3. Starroot: A rejuvenating root that combats fatigue, much like Ginseng on Earth.

4. Skyblossom: Blue petals that help with respiratory issues, similar to Eucalyptus.

5. Dragonfern: Fiery fronds for treating burns and enhancing skin regeneration, comparable to Comfrey.

6. Moonshade: A leafy herb for restful sleep and anxiety relief, much like Valerian Root.

7. Silver Thistle: A detoxifying plant that resists poisons, akin to Milk Thistle.

8. Eldermoss: Moss for treating skin conditions and minor cuts, similar to Calendula.

These herbs highlight the incredible healing power of nature, both in Atlas and on Earth.



In the realm of Atlas, humans speak a variety of languages that reflect the diverse cultures and regions they inhabit. Here’s a glimpse into the languages commonly spoken by humans across different parts of this mystical realm:

1.Common Tongue (Trade Tongue):

The most widely spoken language among humans in Atlas, used for everyday communication, trade, and diplomacy.

It serves as a lingua franca in bustling cities like El Dorado and during interactions between different ethnic groups and travelers.

2. Regional Dialects:

Various regions in Atlas have distinct dialects influenced by local customs, geography, and cultural heritage.

Doradian dialects in El Dorado, mountain cant in Scriviniorta, islander dialects in the Verdant Isles, and woodland dialects in Aurelia.

3. Druidic Verse:

Among communities in Aurelia and other forested regions, druidic teachings and rituals are conveyed in a specialized language that harmonizes with natural rhythms and elemental energies.

It's used in ceremonies, chants, and spiritual practices that honor the earth and its mystical guardians.

4. Languages of Magic:

Spellcasters, academics, and adherents of mystical orders can converse within magical communities and read old literature using specialized languages like Arcane Script and Celestial Tongue.

5. The Cant of Seafarers:

This language, spoken by islanders and sailors in the Verdant Isles, is filled with sea shanties, nautical jargon, and folklore that has been passed down through the years from generations of maritime exploration and trade.

6. Glyphs and Old Scripts:

Scholars and explorers interested in learning about the history and mysteries of the realm may be able to decode inscriptions found in ancient scripts and glyphs found at some enigmatic and ancient sites in Atlas.


Biosphere and Aether

The physical and metaphysical features of the world are shaped by the Aether, which has a significant impact on reality:

All of Atlas's existence is infused with mystical energy and potential by the Aether, a cosmic force. It acts as a medium for spirituality, magic, and communication between the higher levels of existence and the physical world.

Magicians use Aetheric energies to control elements, cast spells, and converse with spirits. It enhances the power of rites and ceremonies and makes communication with angelic and otherworldly beings easier.

Through ley lines and mystical nexuses, etheric currents traverse Atlas, affecting the region's topography, weather, and natural events. At the locations where its influence is greatest, it has the power to distort perceptions, produce illusions, and even bend the very fabric of reality.

Magical barriers that keep outsiders out of ancient ruins, shifting landscapes that alter with the phases of the moon, and enchanted forests that defy natural growth laws.

When Aetheric energies are present, Atlas is home to a wide variety of plants and animals that defy natural laws and adjust to the mysterious currents that pervade the area:

In Atlas, magical plants flourish; examples include glowing mushrooms that illuminate woodland floors and carnivorous vines that react to emotional impulses.

Trees bearing prophetic fruit, healing herbs that magnify natural energies, and floral bushes that sing when touched by moonlight...

Adapted to Aetheric energies, the creatures in Atlas take on a variety of forms and talents that straddle the boundary between magical and mundane.

There are fish that shimmer and swim through air and water, spirit owls that guide lost travelers, and elusive monsters that can shift between realities.

The Aether enables the development of non-physical beings that represent ideas, feelings, and cosmic forces outside of the physical world:

Ascended entities charged with guarding hallowed locations and assisting individuals tuned into otherworldly forces. They engage with mortals as animal spirits, spectral beings, or shimmering lights.

Spirit guardians help people navigate the spiritual world and face supernatural threats by providing guidance, safety, and support.

Earth, air, fire, and water are the elemental forces that manifest in natural landscapes and react to the energy balance in Atlas.

They convey messages through rituals, dreams, and visions, bestowing blessings or cautions according on what humans do and the condition of the world.

The beginning of Vogelvolk and Zhuado

The Zhuado people are thought to have come from the center of Atlas’s magical woodlands. According to legend, they arose from the old trees, possessing the might and knowledge of the forest spirits.

Zhuado people are renowned for having a strong bond with the natural world and for having the natural capacity to converse with both plants and animals. Their natural patterns on their skin, which resemble bark or leaves, are a reflection of their woodland ancestry.

The high-altitude regions and towering peaks of Atlas are home to the Vogelvolk. It is thought that the spirits of the wind and sky touched their ancestors, giving them avian characteristics and the capacity to fly.

Vogelvolk resemble birds in that they have wings, feathers, and acute vision. Skilled flyers, they make their home in cliffside nests and mountain aeries due to their innate love of heights.

Humans in Atlas are believed to have arrived through mystical portals or ancient migrations from distant lands. Over generations, they spread across the diverse regions of Atlas, from bustling cities to serene farmlands and have adapted to various environments by developing unique cultures, dialects, and technologies. In forested areas, they adopted druidic practices, while coastal communities became skilled sailors and traders.

The Duendes, small and elusive forest dwellers, migrated from deep woodlands and enchanted glades. They are believed to have followed the ley lines of magical energy to settle in areas rich in Aetheric currents.

They are expert foragers and herbalists, blending seamlessly into their surroundings. They developed intricate knowledge of the flora and fauna, using their skills to thrive in the densest forests.

The Blemmye, with their distinctive lack of heads and faces located on their chests, are said to have migrated from hidden valleys and subterranean realms. They are drawn to areas where the Aetheric veil is thin, allowing easier interaction with the metaphysical world.

The Blemmye adapted to their environment by becoming adept at sensing Aetheric energies. They use their unique physiology to communicate and navigate, often serving as guides in mystical regions.

Despite their diverse origins, the species of Atlas have found ways to coexist and integrate their unique abilities and traditions.

The blend of magic and advanced yet fantastical technology creates a unique societal structure that differs significantly from our world.

Instead of traditional electronics, Atlas uses enchanted artifacts for communication. Crystal orbs, enchanted mirrors, and speaking stones allow inhabitants to communicate over long distances.

Visual communication and entertainment come from enchanted mirrors or crystal screens that display moving images and sounds, akin to TVs.

In more technologically advanced regions, there are arcane terminals that function similarly to PCs, powered by magical energies and used for storing and retrieving information.

Skilled workers who create everything from everyday items to intricate magical artifacts. Blacksmiths, weavers, and enchanters are highly respected.

Individuals who study and practice magic, working in academies or as independent practitioners. They may specialize in healing, elemental magic, or ancient lore.

Essential for sustaining communities, Farmers and Foragers cultivate magical and mundane crops or gather herbs and other resources from the wild.

Traders and Merchants facilitate the exchange of goods and services across different regions, often traveling long distances and navigating various cultural landscapes.

Guardians and Warriors Protect communities from threats, both mundane and supernatural. They may belong to local militia, knightly orders, or mystical guilds.

Traditional currency in Atlas often consists of minted coins made from precious metals and gems imbued with magical properties.

In some regions, especially among rural or nomadic communities, bartering goods and services is common.

In more magically advanced areas, enchanted tokens or amulets may be used as currency, each carrying a specific value and sometimes additional magical benefits.

The inhabitants of Atlas blend these elements seamlessly into their daily lives. An artisan might use an arcane terminal to design new magical artifacts, while a trader might communicate with distant partners via a crystal orb.

Communities often gather around enchanted mirrors for news or entertainment, much like watching TV.

Jobs are often related to one’s magical or natural affinities, and the economy reflects a deep integration of magic into all aspects of life.

Atlas presents a world where magic and technology coexist.

In Atlas, there are regions where time flows differently, with some areas experiencing accelerated growth and aging while others remain virtually timeless, untouched by the passage of years.

What ethical dilemmas and power struggles might arise if certain factions in Atlas gain control over these time-altering regions, potentially exploiting them for personal gain or political dominance?

Atlas is a mysterious realm, making it a prime destination for explorers, scholars, and innovators alike. The potential for discovery and advancement is vast, promising to enrich the understanding and capabilities of all who venture into its magical expanse.

Considering what humans on Earth have discovered and speculated about Atlas:

What if one day, undeniable proof of a portal to Atlas is uncovered, challenging our understanding of reality and sparking a global quest for exploration and understanding?

The enchanting realm of Atlas holds countless mysteries and potentials, from its unique flora and fauna to its complex social dynamics and magical energies. As we continue to explore its depths, we must also consider the enigmatic ice barrier that encircles the realm. This barrier hints at the existence of another world beyond the frozen expanse, a place waiting to be discovered and understood. What secrets lie beyond the second ring, and how might they reshape our understanding of Atlas and its place in the multiverse? The journey of exploration has only just begun.

Tyrone Petersen




Tyrone Petersen
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

Advocate for sovereignty, dedicated to empowerment, committed to self-determination and the pursuit of freedom.