Beautiful Empty World ?

The Great Sage
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
1 min readFeb 29, 2024
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A poem by Navi (me)

Beautiful Empty World ?

Enough light to see,

Not too much that it blinds my eyes.

That’s how I like my days !

On some days it’s too bright,

On others it’s too hot, !

Like I don’t have enough on my plate ?

Am I supposed to anticipate the warmer days,

Or the even cooler days where problems seem to disappear ?

The imbalance lasts forever, apparently.

I’m not scared of the hotter days anymore

I’m only human.

I guess I’ve come to learn and accept.

But how do others handle the hotter days ?

Days where the heat is simply unbearable

I doubt their tears are enough to cool them off.

Have they learnt to learn ?

If not

Then how do they do it ?

Why do we carry on ?

Are the physical pleasures we aren’t guaranteed really worth it ?

To each man his own I guess.


Amongst cosmic irrelevance,

Stars without definite duties.

Grind us into fine dust,

Mold us,

Make us a beautiful vase but leave us empty will ya ?

Maybe we already are

Beautiful, empty earth.

Beautifully empty world ?

Thank you for reading and please share your comments 🙏🏻.

