Biggest mistake I’m embarrassed of

Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
2 min readSep 30, 2024

I wasn’t made a robot, but you manipulated me like one.

I regret you, and I hope you know.

When I first gave you the loan of shelter, poetic lines, and positions to secure your place, I was truly happy to see you gleam underneath your absence of light. I was kindled like a match, waiting in the closed abandoned box to be unlatched.

You were a trophy I held up high, running around the bleachers to tell how lucky I was to rejoice in the ending of my single slump.

I made myself untouchable for others; I cleaned off my rusty attachment styles to make you move easier; I learned to play your favorite songs even my voice is a champion of cracks; I was as cool as cucumber, but you mattered, so I got burned.

Everybody marched on the next line, but I couldn’t until I stalked a post from years ago when we were still together. When I thought I was in a paradise of a healthy relationship, you were already laid back to the presence of your following list — an all-girls school, maybe?

No offense, but you are denied by my inferno side.

Maybe I’ve already felt that time; maybe you are caught by my intuitions; maybe my faith was broke…I was down in the dumps, cheater.

And you know what’s worst? You didn’t ask for an apology — I did, for you made me believe I was the debris in the bin.

I will always live a flex for you, and you will remain an embarrassment for me.

