Creating a Balanced Life: 6 Tips from Laura Vanderkam’s 168 Hours

Yakira Yedidia
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
3 min read4 days ago


How to Master Time Management for a Harmonious Life

Photo by Canva

I remember the first time I realized we have 168 hours in a week — I was surprised!

“I don’t have time” is not relevant when you think about the 168 weekly hours you do have.

🕰️ We don’t often think much of 7 days a week or 24 hours a day, but when you do the math, it’s a lot of time.

It made me realize that it’s not really about how much time we have; it’s about what we do with it.

Whether we’re juggling work, family, or personal projects, the challenge lies in using those hours effectively to create a balanced and fulfilling life

Who doesn’t dream of a life where work, family, and personal passions all coexist beautifully? 🌟

With only 168 hours in a week, making the most of every moment is crucial.

Laura Vanderkam’s 168 Hours offers insightful strategies to help us manage our time effectively and create a more balanced life.

Here are six tips to help us master time management and achieve harmony:

  1. Track Your Time 📊
    “The first step to making time for what matters is understanding where your time goes.” Vanderkam emphasizes the importance of tracking your time for a week to see how you’re really spending it. This practice helps identify areas where you can make adjustments and prioritize what’s truly important.
  2. Prioritize Your Passions ❤️
    “Make room for activities that fulfill you and bring joy.” Vanderkam suggests carving out time for your passions and hobbies, not just work and obligations. When you prioritize what you love, you’ll create a more satisfying and balanced life.
  3. Plan Your Week Strategically 🗓️
    “Schedule your most important tasks first.” Vanderkam recommends planning your week with intention by blocking out time for critical tasks and personal commitments. This proactive approach ensures that you make progress toward your goals and maintain balance.
  4. Set Boundaries and Say No 🚪
    “Boundaries are essential for protecting your time.” Vanderkam advises setting clear boundaries to prevent work from encroaching on your personal life. Learning to say no to non-essential tasks helps maintain a balanced schedule and reduces stress.
  5. Delegate and Outsource 🛠️
    “Focus on what you do best and delegate the rest.” Vanderkam highlights the value of delegating tasks that others can handle. Whether it’s at work or home, outsourcing responsibilities frees up time for more important activities and personal time.
  6. Embrace Flexibility 🌿
    “Adaptability is key to maintaining balance.” Vanderkam encourages embracing flexibility in your schedule. Life is unpredictable, and being adaptable helps you manage changes and maintain a harmonious life without added stress.

By implementing these tips from 168 Hours, we can take control of your time and create a more balanced and fulfilling life.

It’s all about understanding how we spend your hours and making intentional choices to align with our priorities.

What’s one change you’ll make this week to better balance your time and achieve a more harmonious life?


  • Vanderkam, Laura. 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think. Portfolio, 2010.



Yakira Yedidia
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

Helping You Transform Your Life with Actionable Tips on Personal Growth, Creativity & Productivity | Growth Writer ✍️ | Life Coach 👩 | Content Creator 📚 |