Defining Priorities: Navigating Life on Your Terms

Image credit: Mohamed Nohassi/Unsplash

The Enigma of the Passage of Time

Life often feels like a relentless race, dictated by a collective norm that prescribes the times and rules for living according to someone else’s script. Who among us has not felt the weight of judgment for starting to study at 30, choosing not to have children, staying in the same job, or pursuing “less important” majors? The list of societal “shoulds” is endless, and the pressure to conform can suffocate.

Society has imposed a script that only creates an illusion of what the perfect human life should be and considers anything done outside the manual a failure. However, these expectations do not necessarily align with our goals and desires. So, how can we find our path among the extensive social norms with our priorities?

First, no human being on this earth has the key to a perfect life because the conception of perfection is subjective and open to interpretation. Culture and society will do their part to change our ideas and convictions, and this is entirely respectable from region to region, but do not you think it is essential to ask ourselves what makes us happy and fills us with life?

It will always be challenging to step out of our comfort zone, especially when people you care about do not share your view of life. But, as tragic as it sounds, differences are the points of encounter and social and personal growth. This growth is not just a byproduct of our choices; it is a goal. It is what keeps us moving forward, motivated, and encouraged.

It is vital to remember that our worth is not determined by how closely we adhere to social norms but by the authenticity of our lives, guided by our values and priorities. To navigate life’s challenges, we must first define what priority means to us. For some, it may be family; for others, it may be career growth, academic achievements, or spiritual fulfillment. Every path is valid and worthy of respect!

Now is the time to identify our true priorities and make decisions that create our own story. What is boredom and depression for one person is glory and wisdom for another. Living an authentic life is about embracing the freedom that comes with it. It requires courage to face external expectations and follow the path that fills us. So take the pencil, draw your stars, and follow the path only you can see.



Sahid Fernando Burgos Benavides
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

Ecuadorian writer, speaker, and dual-degree International Studies and Political Science student. Writing to share his reflections and the need for a just world.