Does It Matter Where You Dead Hang From?

One favorite position or two unreasonable dislikes? Bonus: photos of me and my trainer!

Tooth Truth Roopa Vikesh
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication


A woman doing a dead hang from a bar in three different grip positions.
Author’s image.

I’m new to dead hanging.

I never imagined that my carpal tunnel hands could support my body weight, which is 143 lb/ 65 kilograms.

However, wonder of wonders… I managed to “dead hang” — suspend my weight from a pull-up bar — for one second, sometime in October ‘23. Now I find I’m almost at the half-minute mark!

My favorite position is the non-parallel supports you see there in the collage where I’ve included a full-length picture.

You can also see a chin-up position and a pull-up position, which are in front of and behind the non-parallel supports.

I find the chin-up position hardest of all. I can barely hang in that position for a couple of seconds.

In the pull-up position, I can hang for about seven or eight seconds.

In my favorite middle position, I can hang for almost thirty seconds.

However, my trainer claims that all three positions are the same.



Tooth Truth Roopa Vikesh
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

I don’t just create smiles, I inspire them! Dentist, mom—Jamshedpur, India.