He made me fall in love with the things I once hated about myself.

Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
3 min readAug 19, 2024



For years, I was caught in a cycle of self-criticism, endlessly scrutinizing my appearance and finding flaws where there were none. Every day, I complained about my body, my features, and the way I looked. My reflection in the mirror became a source of frustration and dissatisfaction, and my self-esteem was perpetually bruised by my relentless negativity.

Then he entered my life, and everything began to change in the most profound way. From the very beginning, he treated me with a level of admiration and respect that I had never known before. He saw beauty in me that I couldn't see in myself. His gaze was not just one of physical appreciation but also one of deep emotional connection. He found joy in the features I had spent years criticizing—my smile, the shape of my eyes, and even the way I carried myself.

It wasn't just his words that made a difference; it was his actions, his gestures, and his consistent support. Whether it was through heartfelt compliments, the way he would look at me with admiration, or the tender way he spoke to me, his appreciation was genuine and unwavering. He had a unique ability to make me feel special and cherished in a way that was entirely new to me. His praise was not just a fleeting sentiment but a reflection of how he truly saw me.

As time went on, his love and acceptance began to reshape my own self-perception. The qualities I had previously seen as flaws—my imperfect skin, my unconventional features, my so-called shortcomings—started to take on a new light. They became not just acceptable but beautiful in their own right. His belief in my beauty allowed me to gradually see myself through his eyes and, eventually, through my own.

I began to embrace aspects of myself that I had previously tried to hide or change. The features I once criticized became symbols of my individuality and uniqueness. His unwavering support taught me that beauty is not just about conforming to external standards but about embracing and celebrating who I am in my entirety. My self-doubt started to dissolve, replaced by a burgeoning sense of self-love and acceptance.

In his presence, I learned to appreciate not just how I look but who I am. His impact on my life went beyond changing how I viewed my appearance; it transformed my entire approach to self-worth and self-acceptance. Through his love, I discovered a deeper, more profound understanding of beauty—one that starts from within and radiates outward.

His influence was transformative, guiding me to a place where I could finally see and appreciate my own value. By showing me how to love myself, he helped me build a foundation of self-confidence and self-respect that I had never thought possible. In the end, it was not just about seeing myself as beautiful through his eyes, but about learning to see that beauty within myself, something I now hold close to my heart.



Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

"I only write when I'm falling In love, or falling apart."