High School Author Diaries #1

Mahnoor Hasan Khan
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
2 min readAug 3, 2024

Writing a book in my sophomore year and what it did to my mental stability.

Photo by Reba Spike on Unsplash

4 hours. 6 hours. 12 hours. 23 hours.

These numbers represent how much time an average teenager might spend scrolling away their existence. (The last one is a bit exaggerated.) Despite the pandemic of endless scrolling, numerous adolescents have achieved huge heights of success. From entrepreneurs to activists, geniuses who got accepted into MIT, and many more.

I decided two years ago that I am going to be successful before being eligible for a driver's licence.

Little did I know back than, just what I was getting myself into.

By success, I don't just mean financial. More time with family, less toxic friends, praying on time, academic breakthroughs, and better health, all belong under the term.

In the past two years, I have worked on every single aspect and gradually improved my life. All aspects but two:

  1. My projects
  2. Finances

After reflecting this summer, I realized these two are connected to each other. If I start bringing my projects to life, I could easily monetize them.

However during the school year, everyone is bombarded by exams and deadlines. Any personal hobby or passion gets thrown out the window. The only escape we get is the summer holidays, which allow us students to recharge and devote time to ideas that may grow exponentially.

With new found motivation and finally a bit of free time, I decided to focus more on my dream.

Writing and publishing my book.

For 20 days straight, I wrote a chapter on a daily basis. Four days ago, I completed my first-ever proper book.(Before being eligible for a driver's licence.)

(If I'm being honest, it's only 70–80 pages, so it didn't take too long to write.)

Currently, the book is being edited by my uncle, who happens to be an author himself and guided me throughout the writing process. After the editing process, the plan is to submit it to a contest and then pray for the best.

The reason for telling you all of this, is to prove to you that if a sophomore in highschool can throw together a few chapters, you can too. Even if you have a different project, I urge you to carve out the time to pursue it. The feeling once it's completed is phenomenal, trust me.

As for what writing non-stop for twenty days did to my mental stability? It's simple, actually. It demolished it. I have no more mental stability. To rub salt in my wound, my quality of sleep and social life also suffered quite the blow.

This article is the first in a series, where I share how far the book has come, tips on writing and sprinkle in some personal anecdotes as an author in highschool.



Mahnoor Hasan Khan
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

To write is like to breathe, you simply do it, because you must.