Hobbies and Happiness.

Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
3 min readMay 20, 2024
Photo by Dragos Gontariu on Unsplash

The other day, while cleaning out an old drawer, I stumbled upon a box of childhood memories – drawings, trinkets, and photos that immediately transported me back to a time when every day felt like an adventure. It made me realise how much we’ve lost in the hustle and bustle of adult life. We get so caught up in our daily routines and responsibilities that we forget to live the adventurous lives we once dreamed of.

Do you remember the thrill of building forts, cycling through by-lanes, playing make-believe, or chasing butterflies? As kids, we were naturally curious and eager to explore the world around us. But as we grew older, responsibilities and societal expectations gradually took over, and our sense of adventure began to fade. We traded curiosity for conformity and hobbies for hectic schedules.

Think back to the things you loved doing as a child. Drawing, painting, building, crafting – these weren’t just activities; they were expressions of our boundless creativity. Playing music or singing, writing fantastical stories, or simply exploring nature brought us immense joy. Why did we ever stop?

Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash

Imagine rekindling those hobbies now. Drawing and painting can be a wonderful escape, allowing us to express emotions and ideas we might not even realise we have. Building and crafting can bring the satisfaction of creating something tangible with our hands. Playing music or singing can fill our lives with joy and rhythm. Writing stories or poetry (even writing here!) can reconnect us with our inner worlds, and exploring nature can remind us of the beauty and peace that exist outside our busy lives.

Hobbies are more than just activities; they are essential for our well-being and happiness. They give us a way to relax, express ourselves, and tap into our creativity. When we let go of these passions, we risk losing a vital part of who we are. Hobbies provide a break from the routine and a chance to reconnect with what makes us uniquely ourselves.

So, how do we reignite that spark of adventure and creativity within us? It doesn’t have to be complicated. Start by setting aside a little time for yourself, just as you would for any important commitment. Try revisiting an old hobby or exploring a new one. And don’t underestimate the power of community – joining a group of like-minded people can be incredibly motivating and fun.

Photo by Joey Huang on Unsplash

As we live through the ups and downs of adulthood, it’s easy to lose sight of that carefree, adventurous spirit we had as kids. But it’s crucial to remember that our inner child is still there, waiting to be nurtured and set free. Don’t let the monotony of daily life extinguish your sense of wonder. Embrace your hobbies, explore new adventures, and keep that childlike curiosity alive.

“Don’t die before your death.” This simple yet profound reminder urges us to live life to the fullest, every day. Let’s make a conscious effort to live a life that’s truly worth living. Whether through painting, music, writing, or simply taking a walk in nature, let’s not forget to cherish and nurture the child within us.

Thanks for reading. :)

Tell me in the comments: what do you do to keep the child in you alive?

