How to fight an addiction.

Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
2 min read2 days ago
Photo by Danie Franco on Unsplash

Written by a french guy đŸ„–

The Merguez is an addict of all fast dopamine who exist. Video games, social media, porno etc
 The Hunter ! The hunter is an addict of all Deferred gratification. He loves to go to sports, write, and manage his many businesses.

I was addicted to Genshin Impact. This game has many characters, a huge Open world, beautiful graphics and animations. I played this every day and this is the first step to fight an addiction.

Do you do your addiction every day ?

If you do your addiction every day, you are an addict đŸ€Ż and I will add some nuances. If you skip your addiction one day and you are not too sad, you are an addict and it was my situation.

How to delete an addiction ?

Delete an addiction is very easy:

  • Situation 1. You have the same addiction with a friends
  • Situation 2. You are an addict for some time (a few months)
  • Situation 3 You are an addict for many years and you are only

Situation 1. You have the same addiction with friends.

Social is the most powerful way to fight an addiction. If it is a very good friend you can do a contract. If one of you does his addiction, you give something (like money) to your friend and vice-versa.

Situation 2. You are an addict for some time (a few months)

You have detected your addiction very fast congratulations 🎉 . Your addiction is very young, the more you will wait the more your addiction will destroy you. Find why you wanted to do your addiction and find another “good” addiction (like sports)

Situation 3. You are an addict for many years and you are only.

It is my council for all situations, read Atomic Habits. Yes it is cringe, but you have the choice. Be cringe or be destroyed by your addiction. Remember, you have the choice.

This article is not a guide or a formation, it is an invite to fight addiction, I have a little citation from me (I don’t know if one other people said that, I’m writing this article without connection 😅).

Before running, throw your weights.

Running is doing good habits and weight is your addiction.

Thank you for reading đŸ€—

Concept Merguez HUNTER: Loann lv



Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

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