I Was Operated Last Week. My Thoughts After Surgery (Cues For You)

Surprise of the year

Ankita Shetty
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
4 min read2 days ago


Photo by Marcelo Leal on Unsplash

When 2024 began, I had plans for a trip, to propel my career.

Never thought undergoing surgery would be part of 2024. Or any year in foreseeable future.

This came up after I felt a lump near my abdomen, in June.

A lump inside your body is never a good sign.

Next thing I know, I was preparing for the operation to remove four fibroids growing from uterus. One measured almost 12 cm while others measured between 2–3. All benign.

Thankfully, things went well and I’m better now.

It’s been over a week since the operation, now on the path of recovery.

Image by author | Clicked a day before discharge

Experience After the Surgery

You value something when it’s no longer around.

My recovery has been good. But I miss the time when I could walk, run, skip, jump. And sit for hours.

As multiple lumps were scooped out from uterus, I’ve got stitches on around those areas. The stitches are still fresh, so I’m cannot exercise for solid three months until they seal.

Food: On a soft diet for ten days. Later I can continue normal diet with one caveat- cut oily food. As I cannot exercise, I have to watch my calorie intake.

Physical activity: Cannot sit or walk for long periods.

Since the internal stitches are still fresh, I must be careful not to put pressure on them. For this, I must stay as steady and at rest as possible.

Talking of rest, I am lying in bed for most of the day! My current routine is

  • Wake up, freshen up, have breakfast, walk a bit, lie down
  • Get up for lunch, eat, walk a bit, lie down
  • Get up for snacks, walk a bit, lie down
  • Get up for dinner, have juice, walk a bit, lie down
  • Sleep!

At this rate, I’ll surpass my resting quota for the year!

But you got to do what you got to do.

Now, switching to philosophical gear. Health concerns hold the power to turn your outlook towards life. I’ve now begun to value my physical and mental wellbeing more.

I remember being sh*t scared a day before surgery. Adding to this woe, years of reading life-altering medical goof-ups also began crowding my mind!

I knew this was a minor operation but deep down I was also hoping to come out safe lol.

You can’t help it. When life hits you with unpleasant surprises, you hope for the best.

On a better note, this surgery news helped me cut the fluff I glued my life with. Career stress, skill development, vanity metrics, material stuff— they don’t matter at the time of adversity.

What matters is your family and a good medical insurance.

On the Other Side

Lack of physical exercise has caused other issues like leg pain.

I do try to stretch and exercise my legs but there’s only so much you can do while flat on the bed.

Also, resting in bed for practically the whole day is not easy. It appears fun and relaxing only for a few days. You’d soon realise you have nothing you can contribute to.

The best I try to do is focus on reading books and writing. And watching Netflix for hands-free time.

Yet there’s only so much you can do and watch while positioned on bed, when your fingers and arms begin to hurt while holding your phone. (I struggled to write and edit this article on my phone for 3 days before submitting.)

Cues for You

Never thought I’d say this — I miss exercising. I miss walking more.

If your body is okay, please get up and get going. Walk for 30 minutes daily.

Ladies, please get yourself tested for fibroids. They are more common than ever and 90% harmless. But as they grow from your uterus, at a rate of 1–2 cm per year, these fibroids can grow large enough to block other organs. And if you’re unlucky, although unlikely, you may even lose your uterus.

Don’t worry. All you need is a simple sonography test every year to detect fibroids.

My gynecologist tells me adulteration is one of the causes. Where do you even draw the line here? The best you can do is avoid junk food. Switch to organic if you have access to it and can afford it.

Final Thoughts

Your body is the only place you reside. Cherish and respect it.

Get a yearly full body checkup. Everything else can wait.

Please, please have good medical insurance and emergency funds handy. Everything else can wait.

Cut the fluff. Focus on what’s really important in life.

Hi, I am Ankita! This was my personal story but I majorly write about productivity, books & tech.

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