If you don’t have a ROUTINE read this !

Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
2 min readAug 4, 2024
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

If you read this article you probably don’t have a routine. This article will help you to create a routine and how to follow it.

Do you know the difference between a Routine and an habit ?

An habit is doing somethings daily. But a routine is a list of habits with a time attached to this routine. For exemple:

  • Get up 6:00
  • 10 push up 6:01
  • break first 6:03

Ok, now you know what is an habits and a what is a routine so next question, why have a routine ?

The power of the routine

When you have a routine you don’t have the friction of “What do I have to do today ?”, so you will not scroll on social media in your bed . And this, is an amazing boost for your productivity. You will win many time.


how can I create a good routine ?

1. Define when will begin and end your future routine.

I will take me as an example.

I leave my house at 7:00 to go to my BUS and I am back at 18:50. So my morning routine ends at 7:25 and my evening routine starts at 18:50.

2. Define what you have to do in your day and how much time you spend for each habit

I will continue my example, in my day I need to do this.

  • Homework
  • Doing my bag
  • Write on Medium

Etc… Then, I try these habits and see how much time I spend for each habit.

3. Now it is time to order your habits.

I recommend you, Google calendar, Google tasks or Apple Calendar. And to follow them, Notion.

  1. You create your list of habits on your Calendar or on Tasks.
  2. You can create a habit tracker on Notion to see if you have missed a habit. This will help you to see what habit is hard.
  3. Add a widget or allow notification on the app which is used to see your routine.

With this configuration you will know when you have to do each habit or consult what is the next habit.

I recommend you a very good book totally unknown his name is “atomic habits”, I don’t know if you know this amazing book 🤷🏻.

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Thank you for reading 🤗



Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

"I’m a French guy 🥖 who talks about self-improvement and how to become a better person. Follow me, and together we’ll become the best version of ourselves."