Is Efficiency Reached Through Speed or Enjoyment

Harry Powell
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
2 min readJul 25, 2024

You can make an argument for both or that it requires a combination of the two. However in this article I want to talk about efficiency in the personal sense and more importantly in the long term.

The level of personal growth and development we can obtain is infinite. We can never achieve perfection. There will always be the opportunity to grow.

We need to understand this and the fact that the speed at which you achieve anything only matters to the point that you can move onto the next thing. Not even knowing if it is the right thing.

There are an infinite number of boxes to be checked off, so instead of trying to speed through them all only to find yourself falling short and missing everything that’s happened along the way. You need to be selective in what you choose to pursue in life as the number of things you do in life means nothing if you don’t actually know why your doing them.

This is why finding enjoyment in what you do will get you so much further and is so much more efficient then focusing on the speed at which you do it.

For example, if you were to approach your fitness routine with a focus on enjoyment over speed, you are far more likely to stick to it and keep it as a habit. You won’t speed through the program for a result that you will never maintain.

The same can be said for dieting, as if you enjoy the healthier lifestyle and benefits it brings you are more likely to integrate it into your lifestyle. As opposed to speeding through it to achieve something unsustainable which will only eventually revert back to an old habit.

This can also be applied in building relationships as if we are to spend the time to connect with people that we enjoy on a deeper and closer level rather then making multiple relationships on a surface level we are more likely to get a reward from it.

If we are to find enjoyment in what we do alongside with finding things that are enjoyable, you can pretty much guarantee that you’ll be more efficient in the long run.

We need to start to prioritise enjoyment over speed as it doesn’t matter how fast you get to a destination if it ends up being the wrong one and further away from where you want to be.

Food for thought!

Fight the good fight!


