It’s Gonna Be Okay, Dear 🫶!

Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
1 min read5 days ago

Relax, everything’s gonna be okay someday.

Photo by Ksenia on Unsplash

The world may scare, a grip so tight,

But fear is okay, so is the night’s soft cry.

Life stumbles, wounds may sting and ache,

let tears fall free, for healing’s sake.

It’s okay to cry sometimes, okay to feel lost. But, I wish you come out of this some day and shine like the queen of gems.

Rest is allowed, a time to hide,

But darkness beckons, step aside.

Blame finds no home, a heavy weight,

Embrace the path, however fate.

Rest, relax and calm down. Take your time to heal and get better. But, remember — “ Don't let negative energy take over you”

May twist and turn. Life’s grand design,

Holds joy and sorrow. intertwined.

Each phase a lesson, breath it in,

This precious gift, where hope can win.

Always always and always have hope in life. As long as you’re breathing, you have time to re-arrange your thoughts, change plans, work on goals and restart.

Hope you guys like it. ✨

“A pearl doesn’t fall direct into the sea, it takes time, patience and protection to real it’s beauty.”

Have a great day!




Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

|| Aero ✈️ • Art 🎨 • Yoga 🧘‍♀️• Nature 🍄‍🟫 • Universe 🌌 || Hello, Thankyou for being here. I'll try my best to comeback with better stories eachtime. ✨💖