Life Lately, Can You Relate?

Earth Knower
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
3 min readJun 12, 2024
Photo by Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash

I write this with the aim that I will be finding my community on this platform, a readership that I will connect with so I know how to address ya’ll ! Particularly for a post such as this one.

Let’s have a light-hearted word-versation, shall we?

Life Lately

How have you been? On my side, I am trying to catch up with my breathing at the excitement of all the ideas that have been popping up.

I am finally where I have been yearning to reach as far as my creativity is concerned. I know what I want to create, I have found the place I need to go to source my creative input, I am honouring my creative calendar – the days of the week when I can just sit and let my heart pour out.

Ok. Ok. Ok !

The tips of my fingers are dripping with excitement. I hope to share this essence with you, that you too may be inspired and also feel the freshness of these flowing creative juices.

What Ideas?

It really depends on who you are and what you are working on achieving in your own life.

  • You might be working on increasing your knowledge base so you decide to order a book online, or engage with one that has been sitting in your collection. If you feel the urge to share with your community the insights from your reading journey, do it.
  • Perhaps you recently encountered a health scare, having to deal with physical discomforts you may have never imagined would happen to you (hello growth pains) – even babies fall and bump their heads as they explore with their bodies. Sorry you had to go through that. Now you are inspired to work on getting your vitality back. Rise up early. Practice breathing in deeply and feel the cold morning breeze. Drink a warm cup of water to ease the cough. Take a walk around your neighborhood. Try a vitamin supplement and feel the benefits it has on your body. These are all minor and first steps to creating an improved healthy relationship with your physical self.
  • Try responding differently. Maybe you notice your sibling, or spouse exerting negative manipulative behavior again. Instead of reacting to the vibes they are projecting, remain calm. Give your response time to unfold.
  • Or, doing that one thing you have never done. If it pops up in your head, follow up that! What is the first step you need to take? Mate, just do it.
  • And my current favourite. Get comfortable with the new weather condition. Seasons change all the time and we all know that. This is nothing new, although it very much is. All you need to do is adapt and create the means to remain productive.

You owe it to yourself to take action and implement. The new version of yourself is on the other side of that.



Earth Knower
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

Writing from my experience - living life as a generational curse-breaker. EarthKnower is my native name, in English.