Light Brown Eyes

Malaika Fayyaz
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
2 min readJul 8, 2024

A short fiction story

Does eternal love exist?

Image from Pinterest

While sitting all alone beside the sea where everything was playing its’ parts; the water was flowing with such intensity that it felt as it could take everyone along with it. The sound of the water was scaring me, as if it was my only enemy in the world, but the dark weather had some other plans that seemed like as it wanted the clouds to transform in the rain quickly, to fall upon us and show us the rage that we were not accustomed to. My hair was messing up because of the stormy wind, failing my ability to see people around me.

The chaos was perplexing my peace, making me think that it was a bad plan of coming to this place at this time. Everything was falling apart, spreading the negativity and making me regret my decision.

But what has happened suddenly?

Did the weather take us all along or did we die or what?

Have you ever heard that one's life changes as something positive or something that is lovable enters?

While my hair was messing with me, I flipped it towards another side and my eyes shifted from the dark blue sea to the light brown eyes, making me feel the fulfilment of the void that had existed in me for so long.

Eyes are always the culprit in love.

The eyes made me feel like that the weather which was once intending to provide harm is now working to give peace and charm. I realized that the weather has became a part of me wishing us to meet.

But how could we meet?

While I was thinking this, a strong wind blew and he disappeared as a storm took him with it. That was an epiphany for me; making me think that the weather was never on my side.



Malaika Fayyaz
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

I am passionate about poetry, writing, fiction, and life. Follow me for poetic musings and insightful stories!