Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
2 min readAug 19, 2024


Like some kind of magnet, you’re a mystic force .


I am doomed, I know. I neither want to be your friend nor your lover, yet there’s an undeniable magnetic pull that keeps drawing me toward you. It’s as if an invisible, cosmic force is at work, binding us together in ways I can’t fully comprehend. This pull is powerful, relentless, and despite my best efforts to ignore or resist it, I find myself drawn back to you each time. Can you feel it too?

I’ve tried to articulate this feeling, but words seem inadequate. It’s like trying to describe the sensation of being caught in a magnetic field or the way two celestial bodies are locked in an inexorable dance. There’s something mystic and ineffable about the way our energies intersect, a force that transcends the ordinary and ventures into the realm of the extraordinary.

Every time our paths cross, do you experience that same electrifying sensation? It’s a jolt of energy that seems to crackle in the air, a tension that’s both thrilling and unsettling. This connection creates an almost palpable charge between us, an intensity that’s impossible to ignore. The moments we share are charged with a powerful force, a surge of energy that feels both exhilarating and haunting. It’s as if the universe itself has conspired to create this compelling attraction, drawing us together with a force that’s as undeniable as it is inexplicable.

Yet, despite this intense magnetic attraction, we both understand that we cannot be. There’s a profound awareness that, no matter how strong the pull, we are not meant to be together. It’s as if we’re bound by a force that we can’t escape but also can’t fully embrace. Our connection remains an enigma—powerful, compelling, but ultimately unconsummated. We are like two magnets with opposing forces, irresistibly drawn to one another yet held apart by an invisible barrier that neither of us can cross.

It’s simply like magnets—enticing and profoundly attractive, yet inherently impossible. The attraction is undeniable, a force that draws us together with an intensity that’s both beautiful and heartbreaking. In the end, we remain caught in this mystic dance, aware of the pull but resigned to the fact that we cannot truly be.



Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

"I only write when I'm falling In love, or falling apart."