Master your Skills or End Up at McDonald’s — The Power of Skills

Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
2 min read5 days ago
Photo by Matt Winkleft on Unsplash

We live in an unfair society, there are some people who have amazing skills and there are others like you and me.

You have always wanted to have great skills, right? Spoiler: they take a lot of time and they are hard to acquire. But, what is really a skill?

A skill is something you sell to another resource.

For example, I am currently selling my writing for your time. And I must be relevant, otherwise, you will quit this article or close Medium.

A skill is something you have and that people want.

Ok, now that you know what a skill is, I will start the nuanced part.

I’m not ordering you to start a business, I recommend you develop a skill to sell it to others. For example, if you want to become a doctor, give your whole soul (and your money) to school and become a doctor. Oh, and you know what?
When you are a doctor, you don’t sell the operation, you sell health.
You can apply this to anything; it is always interesting.

The problem

The problem is very simple: imagine a doctor who is very bad. Because he is bad, he will make errors, and because of these errors, he will kill some people during his career. The doctor has killed some people because he hasn’t mastered his skills.

A mastered skill is a skill that can enhance the society and an unmastered skill is poison for the society.

The advantage of internet is that we only become famous if we create good or interesting content. So, if you’re just starting out, you won’t “kill” anyone.
This is why mastering a skill takes a lot of time and is hard to acquire.

Corrected by Chat GPT 4o

Thank you for reading🤗.



Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

"I’m a French guy 🥖 who talks about self-improvement and how to become a better person. Follow me, and together we’ll become the best version of ourselves."