My 8 Rules for Life

Workout School
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
3 min read5 days ago

These are the rules that I try to follow each and every day of my life.

They help me seek the highest good possible and aim upwards, avoiding the temptation of staying the same as yesterday!

Workout Every Day

This is the only point which is not philosophical in this answer, but it is still very important to me.

My brain is a wonderful machine, but it never wants to stop.

I need to tire myself out so that the depth of my consciousness stops making me suffer.

Exercise is also a fantastic tool to improve cognitive performance and overall health.

Even though I constantly challenge myself, I always succeed.

This is perfect for people, like my old self, who lack self-esteem.

Always Take the Path of Most Resistance

The common advice is to take the path of least resistance, but what do you gain from this?

Valuable things are rare because they require tremendous effort to obtain.

The path of least resistance leads to common results; the path of most resistance provides the rarest and most valuable rewards.

Embracing challenges builds resilience and character, leading to personal growth and achievement.

Show People, Don’t Tell People

Anyone can brag about their hard work, but the proof lies in the results.

Some people have a harder time than others, but we can only judge someone by their active efforts, not inherited talents.

When I see someone improve through hard work, I am impressed.

Also, working hard does not necessarily mean being productive.

Focusing and using the right methods are crucial.

For instance, writing three articles in two hours with full attention is more productive than spending ten unfocused hours to write the same number of articles.

Enjoy the Process Because There Is No End

There is only one finish line in life and that is death, as David Goggins would say.

I am 21 years old and have been in the working environment for a year.

If I see work as inherently bad, I have a long time to suffer.

Instead, I focus on the positive aspects of effort: it brings results, builds mental toughness, and is an unavoidable part of life.

Accepting and enjoying the journey makes the long road ahead more bearable and fulfilling.

The Strong Must Care for the Weak

Strength is not just about lifting weights; it’s about the skills you possess.

Someone good at Excel is strong compared to someone who isn’t.

Society relies on sharing strengths!

Entrepreneurs like Elon Musk impact the world with their businesses.

On my little scale, I hope my articles help you improve your life by giving you a direction to follow.

We all have strengths and weaknesses; helping others in their weak areas allows them to help us in return.

This mutual support fosters a stronger, more connected community.

There Is Beauty in Struggle

What makes a good hero in a movie? Overcoming despair and fate.

My favorite manga, the only one that I have read from the first to the last chapter (though it is not finished yet), Berserk, exemplifies this.

Guts, the main character, fights against destiny for the woman he loves, no matter what life throws at him.

This struggle is what makes life beautiful!

Nietzschean philosophy is woven throughout the story, reminding us that those who fight monsters should be careful not to become one themselves.

The constant battle against adversity and the refusal to surrender make the journey of Berserk and of life worthwhile.

Always Take Ownership

It’s not always your fault, but it’s always your responsibility!

There’s always something you could have done better.

Even if you’ve done things perfectly, there’s room for improvement.

Treat yourself with empathy, but remember to learn from your experiences.

Taking responsibility for your actions fosters personal growth and resilience.

This mindset helps in handling defeat, as you can always find a lesson in your failures.

The Shortcut Is a Lie

Escaping hardships through shortcuts brings them back eventually.

For example, using steroids in bodybuilding may give fast results, but it shortens lifespan, decreases quality of life, and causes you to shrink when you stop using them.

The hard path is ultimately more rewarding!

Genuine success and lasting results come from consistent effort and perseverance.

Avoiding shortcuts ensures that you develop the necessary skills and resilience to maintain your achievements in the long term.

Work hard and reap the reward!

