Relax, don’t be nervous… That’s all…

Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
3 min read4 days ago


While we boast about our lives suffocated by poverty, we live in disgust with poverty… While we equate vulgar, miserable conversations with the most intellectual pontifications, we pass by the beggar on the corner as if we were running away from a leper… While we do not care about our lives crushed under credit cards, we live recklessly without earning or deserving, as if we think that everything was created for us… Who are we? ?? Why did we come to this world??? Is there any meaning to being alive with what we are going through??? Do we ever think about the fact that one day we may leave this world with empty hands???

I don’t think so… I don’t think we care about this anymore… It’s not about religion or sect, it’s about position… It’s not about trying to give life lessons… I won’t invite anyone to faith and submission… Please relax… You can continue to sit in your seats with pleasure… There is no danger for now… That’s what I’m trying to say. …,There doesn’t seem to be any loss for now… Public order is perfect for our lives… That’s why we can continue to spend what we have lavishly, like coins… These lines are not written so that we can confess and reach perfection… As I said, there is no need to panic…

I’m just writing to take a short break from our lives that are rushing by like crazy… To make everyone think for a few seconds… You might say that no one…

