See the Unseen

Avery Black
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
5 min readAug 11, 2024

How a Simple Exercise Can Trick Your Mind and Transform Your Reality

Photo Taken by Author

Try this quick exercise I learned from Tony Robbins. Grab a pen and paper or prepare to make a mental note. I promise this will be fast. Take a look around the room you are in right now. Find everything that is brown. Make a note of it.

Now close your eyes.

When you open your eyes make a note of everything red. I am willing to bet that you were looking for so many things that were brown that the red items were almost invisible to you during this time. Even though they were right there in front of your eyes.

This goes to show that what you focus on is your reality. What you perceive is what you can achieve. If you don’t believe, especially in yourself, your goals will be impossible to attain. This is partly why having confidence in yourself is so important to attaining your goals.

If you think you are flawed you will find evidence to support that belief. You will then use that evidence to justify your failures or shortcomings. This cycle will continue until it becomes a pattern. That pattern will manifest into a habit. And since we are creatures of habit, the habits you form become your life.

Think of times you don’t want to do something. Can you remember your mind searching for an excuse? Once your mind finds one it will present it to you and you will begin to justify the reasons why you don’t want to do that particular thing. Again, its using any bit of evidence to justify a response.

Your thoughts will color your mind this way. Your mind will justify reasons to back up a negative statement you made about yourself. You will then start to believe its true. This is how limiting thinking holds us back from living the life we know is possible. This is how we defeat ourselves before we even start.

Now what if you focused on the opposite. What if you decided to think of yourself as happy, kind, loved and successful. Close your eyes and imagine something you are happy for. Think of a person who genuinely cares about you or loves you. Think about the abundance you DO have. Think of something kind you have done for someone else. Think of something kind someone has done for you. Remember one or more of your past triumphs or successes. See how this instantly changes your outlook?

Your outlook is your perception. Your perception is your mindset. Your mindset becomes your reality.

Ever heard the phrase, “Man makes the money, money doesn’t make the man?” This is because no matter the amount of money, it took a person to accrue it — whether that was through their time, their actions or a good decision. This is a little bit of proof that the key to wealth and success isn’t just about money. It’s about mindset. In order to achieve something, you have to be able to believe you can do it. What you believe about yourself will become your reality.

If you attach your worth to something external, you will always feel incomplete. You will end up always searching for external validation to make you feel good. This is why it is important to focus on the internal and intangible aspects of what makes you special.

Everyone has a gift, talent or skill. It is up to you to nuture and develop that into something great. Kobe Bryant once said, “Great things come from hard work and perseverance. No excuses.” Even Einstein said, “It is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” Work hard on what you believe and you will acheive. It is really that simple.

You have the choice to push out negative thoughts from your mind and fill it instead with positive thoughts of abundance and growth. You can do this now. I am not saying that if you think grandiose thoughts of being a billionaire they will immediately manifest themselves. Of course that’s not going to work. No matter what the get rich gurus preach, nothing good that lasts will happen fast. Good things take time and effort.

I can walk into the gym today and say “I believe I can bench press 400 pounds,” but the reality is I will have to work incrementally towards that goal if I want it to achieve it. Is it possible? Yes. Will I have to put a lot of effort to reach that milestone? Of course.

I can open my investment account today and say, “I have 8 digits after the first number.” Is that possible? Definitely. Will it take me a lot of time and effort? You can bet that.

Any goal worth attaining takes time and effort. I am not going to wake up tomorrow and have realized either of those above goals. But by programming my mind, I can figure out the steps I need to take to improve each day to get closer to my goal.

All I am saying is the more you focus on filling up your cup with good energy, the more good energy you will attract. This good energy will grow exponentially at some points. If you have ever accomplished something big, you know what I am talking about. Things are always harder in the beginning. Once you build up your practice, it becomes more routine and easier for you to do.

How about starting by implementing this small practice below. It could have a drastic change on your life.

No matter who we are, we all have problems. Let’s reframe that word PROBLEM to CHALLENGE. I say reframe instead of rename because if you choose to see hardships as challenges, then you can find solutions. Once you determine the solution you can strengthen your abilities to overcome and triumph over your challenges.

You may have never been able to do a pull-up. I was there at one point. Years later I found myself doing over thirty at a time. Now I couldn’t imagine life without being able to do a pullup. My mindset changed as I was able to find solutions to my challenges with time and effort.

There is a solution to every challenge you may face. That means there is a procedure to overcome that challenge. First, learn what technique(s) you need to assist you in completing your goal. Then, break the techniques down into manageable tasks or steps. Doing this will give you small wins. After achieving success with each smaller step, piece the steps together and work towards the bigger goal. Finally, surpass that goal and look for new challenges so you continue to grow.

Use hardships and challenges as opportunities to grow because that’s what they are. They are possibilities for you to build your way to success and freedom. That’s all that matters really. Money gives us freedom. Success is freedom. So go be resourceful and break down the steps necessary to overcome your challenges. This will get you on your way to living the life of joy and freedom you know you deserve.

