Take the Time to Acknowledge what’s in your Peripheral

Harry Powell
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
1 min readJul 26, 2024

We owe it to ourselves to stand back and acknowledge what is in our Peripheral vision. We spend so much of our lives laser focused on achieving a goal, opportunity or outcome that we tend to forget what is around us.

We seem to miss the many opportunities we have along the way that will help us drastically to achieve what we’re truly after.

Can I ask you now that no matter where you are to stop and acknowledge what’s around you. Take it in as it will change and if you never become aware of it you more than likely will never get a chance to see it again.

If you regularly get into the habit to remind yourself to acknowledge what surrounds you at any point in time, I guarantee that you’ll start to see aspects of your life that you’ve been neglecting. You’ll be able incorporate these, whilst also being able to recognise aspects you may want to remove.

It will allow you to acknowledge what your grateful for and what you ought to keep around you. This will allow you to continue to grow, develop and make an impact towards the things that truly matter.

Whilst being able to drift through life is a gift in itself, being aware that it is a gift is a blessing to others.

Food for thought!

Fight the good fight!


