The Apple ecosytem.

Mr. Plan â‚ż Publication
2 min read18 hours ago
Photo by Igor Son on Unsplash

Written by a french guy🥖

“Apple is very expensive.”

“Apple is bad.”

“Apple won’t change your life.”

You’ve probably heard these words again and again. But you know the reality, you know how these products can enhance your life. Today, I want to write an article about the beautiful ecosystem, the Apple ecosystem.

The iPhone

The iPhone is the heart of your Apple ecosystem. With it, you can surf the web with your coffee in the morning, take beautiful photos and videos for your social media. You can read a book on the Kindle app or read this very good article on Medium. But the second best thing about the iPhone is its compatibility with the Apple Watch.

The Apple Watch

The Apple Watch can collect a lot of data about your health, which are stored on Apple’s secure servers. With the Apple Watch, you can see if you’re sleeping well or not at all, or check if you’re walking enough to combat a sedentary lifestyle. You can also check your notifications without going on Instagram, like you would with your iPhone.

The AirPods

I have a Chinese quote:

Less is more.

The AirPods can really change your experience with your favorite songs. You can also use them for meetings or during your runs. And that’s it, they’re very practical.

The Mac

The Mac is the brain of your Apple ecosystem: powerful, useful, beautiful, and all those positive words that end in “ful.” You can make a lot of money or watch a YouTube video on an amazing screen. And it’s like a switch, it’s a laptop but can also be a desktop when you connect it to a monitor. When Apple Intelligence comes out in beta this autumn, the Mac will be your best friend.

The iPad

The iPad is the most controversial Apple product. You can do everything the iPhone and the Mac can do. I’ve written a very good article that talks about the iPad.

I’ve finished the first part of this series. Clap if you want the next article.

Thank you for reading 🤗



Mr. Plan â‚ż Publication

Here, I talk about tech, self improvement, productivity and my journey on Medium. I want to share my little knowledge about this topics. I hope I can help you.