The Art of Self-Confidence: The Path to Believing in Yourself and Succeed.

“Always remember you are Braver than you Believe, Stronger than you Seem, and Smarter than you Think.”

Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
4 min read6 days ago


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Self-confidence is the crucial component to succeed in life. Trusting your abilities, knowing your worth, and having courage to face your problems, self-awareness, understanding your strengths and weaknesses makes you a positive thinker and a Confident person which helps you to increase your confidence.

In this article you are going to explore the importance of self-confidence, steps to build your self-confidence, maintaining your confidence level. I’m here to share my journey of “HOW I BUILDED MY SELF-CONFIDENCE”.

A Short Story of my Journey:

It was started when I was in my first year of my college. A week after I went to college my class teacher asked me to give seminar on the topic regarding to environmental studies. She said that it should be clear and understood by everyone in the class. I was very nervous because it is my first time speaking in front of them. My legs and hands were shaking when I stand in front of everyone. Anyway, I completed the topic to be covered. In that very moment, I have realized that I can stand and speak in front of anyone by coming out of my comfort zone.

The next time, in an event, I was asked to speak on the topic “THE CURRENT EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IN INDIA” in front of the entire college. There were many higher authority people and students from other colleges too. It made me little bit afraid but little less than the first time because I believed myself that I can do it without making any fault. At the end of the event, everyone complimented me and said that I have explained about it very well. It made me so happy, and all this happen because I stepped forward and tried to give my best. If I remain afraid of speaking in front of people, that fear will stay within me forever. This incident made me strong and which helps me to believe in myself and communicate with people effectively and fearlessly.

The Moral:

The moral of the story is, you should come out of your comfort zone and first give a try for what you want to achieve. No matter how many times you fail, how many attempts you gave, but it’s all about the determination in you and believing in yourself can make you to do anything.


  • Improve your performance
  • Better your relationships
  • Unlock Inner strength to bounce back from setbacks
  • Mental health
  • improve your communication skills

This list seems to go on endlessly.


Step-1: Take time to understand what you are and know your strengths and set a goal.

Step-2: Believe in yourself and be with a positive mindset by visualizing the feeling of accomplishment.

Step-3: Continuous learning and regular practice develops your skill and builds your confidence.

Step-4: Physical health and mental health are important in taking care of yourself. Get enough sleep, exercise and eat healthy.

Step-5: Challenge yourself to do tasks that are out of your comfort zone and learn from your failures to grow that confidence in you.

Step-6: Lastly surround yourself with the people who encourage you and support you.

Self-confidence is the best outfit. Rock it and own it


Self-confidence is not about being arrogant with people or thinking you are the better person in the world. It is about knowing your potential of abilities and facing the challenges with courage.

  • I feel happy for my little achievements no matter how small they are.
  • I’m very curious about learning what I love, this made me to experience more.
  • I never listened to my haters, who wants to bring me down.
  • I ask my mom, dad and dear friends about my work or anything that I have done, and seek feedback from them to improve myself.

Trust me these points helped a lot to navigate into myself, and that actually helps me to know what I was now.

Building confidence is like a journey into an ocean, which doesn’t have an end. It requires Stability, because it is not about never failing: It’s about not being afraid to fail. Discover unique qualities in you and build your confidence to achieve your goal.

“Confidence Comes not from Always Being Right but from not fearing to be Wrong.”-Peter Mclntyre

Hope you all enjoyed reading my story. Comment me down about your experience that changed your life.

