The Benefits of Proper Rest

A connoisseur is characterized as an expert evaluator in issues of taste. Although the term is inherently pompous and suggests a disdainful attitude towards cuisine considered inferior, I contend that it is fitting in the context of Cosmo. His feeding dish is porcelain, and when dry kibble strikes its surface, a sound reminiscent of a raincatcher resonates throughout the home. This music has an influence on Cosmo comparable to that of enchanting sirens on unsuspecting seafarers. He will skid into the kitchen, his face emerging from behind the cupboards — ears up, eyebrows elevated, and tail wagging! His eyes would flicker between the bowl and me with urgency, imploring me to place it before him without delay. Upon the presentation of a bowl of unadorned kibble before him, he will initiate a sniff and a disdainful gaze, as if to communicate, ‘Is this all there is?’. Cosmo will categorically refuse to consume his kibble without the inclusion of a palatable topping. I consider myself a realistic lady, with the potential of being tough, yet I will always succumb as a consequence of his imploring eyes before adding some stinking fish, chicken leftovers, or if he’s fortunate, some bacon (just a little!). Once the food is complete in his view, he will begin to eat. I have researched animal welfare for almost six years and have cared for several dogs, however I have never seen a dog who enjoys his meals as much as Cosmo. He takes careful chews, slowly chewing each mouthful with evident satisfaction. On occasion, I have heard his trademark low rumble of delight emerging from his throat while he eats.

I plan to incorporate this into my own life via a philosophy of savouring. Rather of gazing at a device while consuming hastily prepared meals, I will allocate time to cook superior cuisine and dine without distractions. While ‘better’ food might have numerous meanings, mine will be ‘healthier and tastier’. To achieve this, and to adopt any new habits, I shall start gently. One new recipe a week is my aim for January. Then I will produce 2 new recipes in February and so on. As Cosmo plainly knows, there’s nothing wrong with a tasty treat as well, so desserts are well and completely on the list of dishes to try!


Cosmo after snatching my place on the couch

After playing with sticks and eating scrumptious kibble, Cosmo will find a comfy area and sleep. While he has the power to sleep on the hard, cold ground, Cosmo has a definite preference for all things soft. A fluffy towel, a warm couch cushion, or the chair I abandoned for one moment; Cosmo will take it, setting his heavy head down and shutting his eyes. One particularly adorable characteristic which Cosmo demonstrates is a large sigh before falling asleep. He takes a big breath in, his chest rising to full capacity before gently letting the air out — stroking his chin against a smooth surface as he does.

I plan to implement this into my life via rest priority and sleep hygiene. our will be the toughest resolve on our list since it is quite easy to confuse free time for available time in the current world. There is a myth that if someone isn’t continuously working, they are squandering time. While I recognize this is not right, and relaxation is equally as vital as any time provided, it is extremely easy to slide back into old behaviors. This is especially tough to resist when the pressure comes from myself — since I am very severe on myself. I plan to emphasize rest utilizing a story inside my own thoughts as follows:

Rest is vital in a cycle of activity which functions as a ‘recharge’ so a better life may be enjoyed!

When relaxing in pursuit of living a nice life in 2022, it will no longer be a waste of time. Cosmo cannot play with sticks all day if he hasn’t had his nap in softness, so how can I work without my own rest? The basic answer is I can’t, at least not for long before burning out. My ambition for January is to not blame myself emotionally for taking the time I need to recuperate. I will also be letting out a long sigh as I go into bed — to see if it helps!

Sleep hygiene is a notion brought to me by my brother. He is little shocked by my propensity of screen-watching before bed, noting that such activities have a detrimental influence on the brain! While I’m not sure how much of that remark is accurate and how much is typical big brother berating, I do know that I sleep better without bringing my laptop or phone into the covers. Therefore, I shall apply this in the new year by making my bed a refuge for slumber. Full of the same tenderness and warmth Cosmo searches after, I aim to have clean, fresh linens over a solid but yielding mattress. In addition, neck supportive pillows will assure a deep sleep with no achy neck in the morning!

True relaxation, actual rest, is hard to come by. By allowing myself the space required to relax, I am giving myself the energy to work better. Before rest, my life will be full of appreciation and healthy food, and during rest, I will feel secure, cozy, and clean.

I feel that we can learn a lot from our dogs about how to be happy. Whilst they exist in the urban environment, they are not dragged into melancholy by it. It is fascinating to observe how pets handle this, since they are sophisticated enough to realize the problems in living in a concrete jungle. Therefore, I would want to make it regular practice for pet owners — to take lessons from their dogs. This might be the eager explorations of cats, the peaceful meditations of fish, and/or the soft snuggles of hamsters! Give it a shot!



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