The Fascinating Story of the Fallen Angels: Linking Bible, Ancient Myths and Global Traditions

Ayodele Amole
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
6 min readSep 15, 2024

There is something deeply fascinating about the story of the fallen angels, especially when viewed through the lens of ancient cultural myths thats almost the same across the world. From the pages of the Bible to the rich oral traditions of indigenous tribes, tales of divine beings descending to interact with humans have shaped the spiritual narratives of countless societies. As a Yoruba man from Ibadan, I find these stories not only mesmerizing but deeply interconnected, shedding light on the ancient wisdom that may have once united different civilizations.

**The Biblical Account of the Fallen Angels**

In the Bible, particularly in the book of Genesis and the Book of Enoch, we are told about a group of angels who descended from the heavens, abandoning their divine stations to live among humans. They not only corrupted humanity but also taught mankind knowledge that ranged from the practical — such as technology, weaponry, and art — to the more mysterious and forbidden. These angels were believed to have taken human wives, and from this union were born monstrous beings known as the Nephilim, described as giants and beings of immense power.(suspected to be modern day blue bloods and the likes)

This interaction between angels and humans set the stage for great chaos on Earth, as the fallen angels, now in charge of various tribes and nations, began to influence their respective civilizations. The result was a period of chaos, where tribes fought one another in battles instigated by these fallen beings who sought domination over their fellow angels. This biblical narrative suggests that much of humanity’s early knowledge, from agriculture to technology, was a direct result of the teachings of these angels — something that traditional myths across different cultures echo strangely.

**Global Parallels: Myths of Heavenly Beings**

It is truly remarkable how myths of heavenly beings descending to Earth and interacting with humans are not confined to the Bible. Many ancient civilizations tell similar stories. In Greek mythology, gods like Zeus often came to Earth and had relations with mortal women, resulting in the birth of demi-gods like Hercules. In Egypt the god Osiris descended to Earth, becoming a key figure in Egyptian cosmology.

What is especially interesting is how different tribes across the world — many with no direct connection — developed myths involving heavenly beings who eventually became deities in their own right. From South American civilizations like the Mayans, who believed in gods descending from the sky, to the Nordic legends of powerful beings like Odin and Thor, these stories create a web of interconnected myths that transcend geographical and cultural boundaries.

**The Yoruba Connection: Sango, Osun, and Oya**

Within the rich cultural stories of the Yoruba people, we find a story that resonates deeply with this idea of divine beings and their relationship with humanity. The ancient king of Oyo, Sango, is one such figure whose powers are often compared to those of the children of fallen angels. His extraordinary abilities, especially his control over lightning and thunder, are legendary. Sango’s marriages to Osun and Oya are equally significant, as both women are deified and worshiped to this day as river goddesses or marine spirits.

What is particularly intriguing is how these deities, like the angels of the Bible, became linked to nature, having elements like rivers and storms. The story of Oya transforming into the Niger River and Osun becoming the Osun River reflects a spiritual connection to nature that can be seen in myths from around the world. These transformations mirror the tale of the women in the Bible who had relations with fallen angels and, after the great flood in the story of Noah, were said to have become mermaids — beings of the water. This parallel between the Yoruba deities and biblical accounts suggests a shared mythological structure that has been passed down through generations.

**The Great Reset: Echoes of the Flood**

Another element of the biblical story that resonates in various traditions is the idea of a great flood — a divine reset to cleanse the Earth. In the Bible, this is the story of Noah’s Ark. This story-signal the end of an era of corruption and the beginning of a new one.

In Yoruba tradition, we see a spiritual “reset” in the form of natural disasters and divine interventions that change the course of history, such as Sango’s control over lightning or the transformation of powerful figures into natural elements like rivers. This concept of divine judgment and renewal seems to have universal significance, whether through the lens of the Bible or through the traditional stories of the Yoruba and other tribes.

**The Global Village: Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times**

What these stories demonstrate is that the ancient world was much more connected than we might think. The similarities between the tales of fallen angels, gods, demi-gods, and the reverence for nature spirits across different cultures suggest a shared wisdom that was passed down through generations. Today, the world has become a global village in the literal sense, but ancient myths may have already foreshadowed this …

At the center of these tales is the Bible, a book that not only holds spiritual significance but also contains layers of profound wisdom that have been debated and studied for centuries. It goes beyond being a collection of historical narratives or moral teachings — it is a spiritual guidebook, revealing deeper truths about humanity, our connection to the divine, and the unseen forces at play in our lives. The Bible’s stories, such as those of the fallen angels, offer us insight into the eternal struggle between good and evil, and the consequences of knowledge without wisdom.

In this light, humans must think deeply, approaching the Bible not just as a religious text but as a source of deep learning. It calls us to engage with it on a spiritual level, prompting reflection on our own lives and the larger cosmic forces that shape them. More than ever, in a world dominated by technology and superficial distractions, we are reminded that true understanding requires looking beyond the surface, but looking into the spiritual wisdom that exists from time. Only by taking these lessons seriously can we gain clarity about our purpose and the divine order of the universe.

Inside all this, is the true knowledge of good and evil right under the deceit lasting for thousands of years.

— -

Sensei Mol



Ayodele Amole
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

I am a Brand Consultant with a strong interest in philosophical ideas and the complexity of human existence. I value the richness in solitary reflection