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The power of positive thinking

Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
2 min read4 days ago


Why positivity is good for us both mentally and physically.


Keeping a healthy mind has been proven to decrease the pain a person feels.

Those that think negatively, perceive greater pain than those who strive to keep a ‘glass half’ full mindset.


Journaling our negative thoughts can help us process our emotions and be a great way to help us regulate and stay healthy.


Looking at the reasons behind ‘ why you feel down’ and taking small steps to put small measures in place to change the aspects of your life that you don’t like can be powerful, small steps, big changes.


Focus on the changes you can make, instead of the things you can not.


Start the day as you mean to go on, positive affirmations can really change your day, start small, think about 3 things you are grateful for.


Breathing deeply is so underrated, the power of taking time to breath deeply can really destress us, a must in the turbulence of life.


Make time to think before you speak to those closest to you, often just taking a minute to think before you speak and be slow to anger and quick to listen, can make such positive changes in our relationships.

Thanks for reading

Love Uneeka 💗



Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

I am an aspiring poet/writer. I’ve written poetry for many years but have only just started to share with the world.I work in social care with troubled families