The Silent End

Hawkar Sarwar Majeed
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
2 min readJul 14, 2024

In the silent, darkened room, Omar Hassan lay still, his body cold as the last vestiges of life ebbed away. Within his brain, a final, desperate dance of neurons and memories sparked and flared.

Omar found himself in a desolate landscape, the sky a dull, oppressive gray. He stood alone, the emptiness around him reflecting the isolation he had always embraced. The cold wind whispered through barren trees, matching the chill in his heart.

The scene shifted to his childhood home, devoid of warmth. Empty rooms, stale air — his youth was marked by neglect and isolation. There were no fond memories here, only the early seeds of anger and resentment that would shape his life.

Darkness encroached as he stood at his high school graduation. Watching from the outskirts, he felt no joy, only disdain for his classmates’ dreams. His own achievements were driven by a need to prove his superiority. The cheers and applause for others were hollow echoes.

A sudden flash of his early adulthood — years spent climbing the corporate ladder, stepping on others to get ahead. Relationships were tools, people were pawns. Marriage had never crossed his mind; the idea of commitment was alien to him. His victories were solitary, unshared.

Memories of his darker deeds flooded his mind. Betrayals, lies, schemes that ruined lives. Faces of those he had wronged appeared, twisted in pain. There was no regret, only a cold recollection of power wielded and fear inspired.

Pain began to seep in as he realized this was the end. Moments of missed opportunities to solidify his power flashed by. He saw faces of rivals he hadn’t yet crushed, opportunities left untaken. The weight of unfulfilled ambitions pressed down, but there was no sorrow, just an acknowledgment of finality.

The final moments were a chaotic swirl of fragmented images. Solitary moments of plotting and execution, nights spent alone, days spent manipulating others. The cold comfort of his own company, the assurance of his self-sufficiency. There was no profound revelation, only a bitter acceptance of his journey.

As the last spark of consciousness flickered out, Omar Hassan’s final thought was void of emotion. He had lived on his own terms, devoid of love or regret, and in these final moments, he was ready to let go, drifting into the eternal void, a heart unburdened by anything but the stark reality of his own existence.

