The super power of notification

Mr. Plan ā‚æ Publication
2 min read6 days ago

Written by a french guy šŸ„–

The Merguez has its notification activated, he is always in a flow of information and he canā€™t be focused. In Mcdo, where he works, we donā€™t hear the bip of the machine but the notification of the Merguez. The HUNTERĀ ! The hunter has notification activated but when his phone has a notification, itā€™s just for his family or his many businesses, because he is the CEO of the business.

Yes, my notifications are activated but I have just a few apps who have the honor to be activated. Here are all my apps who can send me a notification.

  • Google Tasks (To know what I will do at what time)
  • Medium (To know if I have new followers, claps, comment or others good news)
  • Messages (I have all of my close friends and my father here)
  • GMail (I follow just the news of Arc browser and some newsletter)
  • Whatsapp (I have just my mother here šŸ˜…)
  • Notion (Practical)
  • Google (To security alert)

And thatā€™s it, I donā€™t have a YouTube notification because I follow just 2 people, I just need to go to their channel when I want to see a video on YouTube.

Do you know people who canā€™t be focused because they always have a notification, who canā€™t stay in flow when they hear a notification or who canā€™t have a shot of dopamine when they hear a notification. It is 99% of the population, you can be better than all of them: when you do a deep work put your phone in DND mode. When you are with your family, put your phone in DND mode. Etcā€¦ DND mode is very useful to fight notifications, because there are a sword with two-sharpness. A side who can kill you and a side who can kill others.

If you create your own notifications, itā€™s notification who are your slave but, if you turn on all your notifications like everyone, YOU are the slave of your notification.

Thank you for reading šŸ¤—

Concept Merguez HUNTERĀ : Loann LV



Mr. Plan ā‚æ Publication

Here, I talk about tech, self improvement, productivity and my journey on Medium. I want to share my little knowledge about this topics. I hope I can help you.