This is my Medium Channel after 1 week.

Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
2 min read3 days ago

Written by a french guy 🥖

The Merguez don’t write on Medium, he “has not” time to write he prefers invest his time into scrolling on TikTok. The HUNTER ! The HUNTER wrote on Medium but now he has his own newspaper where I talk about business, self improvement, productivity and his passion. (Sorry I didn’t find a newspaper like this 😋)

One week ago, I decided to create this channel to share content that I like, to make stats and especially to make f*cking money (in reality I just want some pocket money).

First day.

I am very excited but I know if I write too many articles, I will lose my motivation and stop writing.

Second day

I never liked writing too much but now it’s different I’m starting to enjoy writing.

Third day

I was spotted by Mr Plan publication and my reads do a X3

Fourth day

I was very happy to be in Mr. Plan publication. My reads were reduced but I think it’s because I had a little “buzz”.

Fifth day

My reads do not increase even ! this Day I do no readsand I think about quitting Mr. Plan publication.

Sixth and seventh day

I did just 2 reads and I see I can do 5X more reads. I’m taking a big mental hit. But I stay motivated.


These are my tips for everyone who wants to write on Medium or create videos on YouTube at the beginning The quantity is over that quality because nobody of you (who begin) doesn’t know how to create articles that have a good quality.

In atomic habits, James Clear has found an experience. A class in higher education was separated into two groups. A group who needs to send one perfect photo. And another group who can take many photos. And the best group was the second because they had time to try and fail and they got experience. I am in the second group.

In the future when I will have ~ 1000 followers I will considerably upgrade the quality of my article. But reduce the quantity.

Today I write one article but I write one GOOD article (And also because I haven’t time 😅).

Thanks you for reading 🤗

Concept Merguez HUNTER: Loann lv



Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

Here, I talk about tech, self improvement, productivity and my journey on Medium. I want to share my little knowledge about this topics. I hope I can help you.