Turkeys Flock. Eagles Don’t

Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
1 min readFeb 22, 2024


Photo by Bryan Hanson on Unsplash

When I was growing up, I hung out with a bad crowd.

We lied, we stole and we cheated.

We got wasted a lot. We even turned up to school drunk.

I wanted to fit in. And I definitely did.

Just not with the right people.


The saying goes:

You can’t soar like an eagle when you surround yourself with turkeys.

The people I hung out with then were clearly turkeys.

And the behaviour they introduced to me was negative.

Then I left for university.

More turkeys.

More drinking, drugging and generally negative behaviour.

That negative behaviour stuck with me for decades afterwards.

The mindset I took from those turkeys who flocked in the same places with the same behaviours was limiting and damaging.

Finally, I met an eagle.

Someone who modelled good behaviour.

Someone who had goals and dreams, and worked long hours to make them happen.

That eagle soared.

I stayed with him for guidance and teachings.

Eagles don’t abuse substances.

They don’t miss deadlines.

They don’t spend days in bed.

They soar.

They’re hard to find because they don’t flock together like turkeys do.

But when you do find one, stick with them. Learn from them.

Then you will soar too.



Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

Here to help you wake up, smell the gasoline, and help others with your experience.