What Mistakes I Made When I Started Intermittent Fasting

Mr. Plan ₿
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
2 min readAug 14, 2024


Source photo Diet Plate Food — Free photo on Pixabay — Pixabay

Today at 4 months since I started intermittent fasting I realize that I made a lot of mistakes at the beginning and I chose to write this article to help those who are starting with intermittent fasting.

The first mistake was that I wanted to lose a very large number of kilograms in a short time I decided to start with something very drastic and then I only had 4 hours of eating and 20 hours of rest or there were even some days when I had only one meal a day.
So the shock was extremely big for my body and there were very many days when I felt without any energy and very nervous.

I would recommend for those who haven’t tried it so far to start with 12 hours of eating with 12 breaks and slowly slowly slowly increase the period of not eating.
I consider that the best decision for a perfectly healthy man is 8 hours eating and 16 break.

The second big mistake was not using an app to monitor calories and protein levels. When in intermittent fasting we tend to eat less and unfortunately most of the time we don’t provide the body with the daily protein requirements.
I made this mistake myself and unfortunately even though I was losing weight, what I noticed was that I was not losing fat but muscle mass.
Or because I wasn’t monitoring my calories I was…



Mr. Plan ₿
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

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