You will be what I what I want.

Larry Nowicki
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
4 min readJan 22, 2024


Are affirmation cards worth it?

created by Larry Nowicki on

Affirmation cards are a fantastic tool to help challenge those self-sabotaging thoughts and break the cycle of negativity. Aside from simply shifting your mindset, positive affirmations play a fantastic role in reducing stress, boosting self-confidence, and increasing overall happiness.

But are they really worth investing in? The answer is a resounding yes. While it may seem like just another trendy self-help product, affirmation cards have been used for centuries and have proven their effectiveness time and time again. They work by utilizing the power of repetition and intention to reprogram our thoughts and beliefs.

When we consistently repeat positive affirmations to ourselves, whether through reading them on cards or saying them out loud, we begin to shift our subconscious thinking patterns. This can be especially helpful for those struggling with low self-esteem or negative self-talk.

But it’s not just about changing our thoughts — affirmation cards also serve as gentle reminders throughout the day to focus on the good in our lives. With regular use, they can help us develop a more positive and grateful mindset.

One of the great things about affirmation cards is that they can be tailored to fit our specific needs and goals. Whether we want to boost…



Larry Nowicki
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

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