Your Time Starts Now And So Does Your Potential

There is no more time to waste on excuses, only on dreams.

Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
3 min readAug 7, 2024


David Goggins — Image made by Octhewriter

The only guarantee with waiting for your dreams to come true is that you die with them awaiting their arrival. A lifetime of what-ifs is a painful existence, filled with nothing but remorse. You have a clear vision of your potential, yet you’re not living up to it.

Some issues in your life need attention and have been haunting you recently. Maybe your finances, relationships, health and goal satisfaction. Whatever the case is, address the messiness and reset to a more open and reflective individual.

To clear your mind and think about the bigger picture you must accomplish small targets first. Organise yourself into the person your family and peers need you to be.

‘The Bigger Picture’ is created by starting with the details

If there is something greater for you and it is setting off fireworks, why not take action? Waiting around is only going to age you and lessen your chances. Why let potential bleed out in your comfort zone?

Is this what you were created to do by spending countless hours on a screen? Or were you designed to become an extraordinaire with talents embedded in you? Acquire and utilise the valuable arsenal of skills from hobbies, education or a job that feels like play and is enjoyable to you, but to others it is hard work.

What about all of the characteristics unique to you? Have you seen the signs of where your brilliance lies? Your introverted/extroverted personality, work ethic, expert knowledge, experience, skills, dislikes and likes are tools not to be overlooked. Why have we stopped focusing on what makes our traits distinctive from others and paid all our attention to online influencers?

You have the fuel, yet it sits there waiting to be used. So start the engine and never take your eyes off the road. Once you are all set, the road is paved for those who seek its route and embrace its trials and tribulations.

Denzel Washington’s 2010 Speech will make rethink your life.

Mr. Washington’s speech at the University of Pennsylvania, Source: The Hollywood Reporter

During Washington’s speech, he recited Les Brown’s analogy about regret, where he said, “Imagine you’re on your deathbed, and standing around your deathbed are the ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential, the ghost of the ideas you never acted on, the ghost of the talents you didn’t use. And they’re standing around your bed, angry, disappointed, and upset. They say, ‘We came to you because you could have brought us to life,’ they say. ‘And now we have to go to the grave together.”

“So I ask you today, how many ghosts are going to be around your bed when your time comes?” — D.W

You don’t need endless motivation because it is your journey alone to be invested in wisely.

You would show yourself how determined you can be and to others what sacrifices you are willing to make for a more fulfilled life. By taking steps every day in the right direction instead of the wrong one, the distance between you and your aims in life shortens.

Being on the verge of conquering your dreams is an indescribable feeling and one which keeps on giving. It is a cold fact, that no one on this planet could stop you from reaching your heights if you were legitimately determined.

At the end of the day, we are all the gatekeepers of our dreams and are killing them every second we keep them hostage. A small light in us becomes less confident the more we obscure it from reality. Until one day we have to decide whether to release them.

Don’t let that day be after your demise. Release your potential now and live without regret.

