You’ve Got This!

Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
3 min readJun 21, 2024

Hello My Dear Reader,

Life, huh? It’s a bit of a trickster, isn’t it? You look back at childhood with rose-colored glasses, remembering carefree days and scraped knees. But then you remember the confusion of grammar rules, the pressure of exams, and the sting of playground bullies.

Here’s the truth: life throws challenges your way, no matter your age. It’s like a video game — you wouldn’t expect level 25 to be the same as level 5, right? A five-year-old faces their own set of hurdles, just as a 25-year-old does.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

The real magic lies in accepting life’s constant change. We might yearn for those carefree days of playing and eating cookies, but those were just stepping stones. Childhood was filled with challenges too — classes to conquer, friendships to navigate, and lessons learned through scraped knees and broken trust. Didn’t those experiences, however messy, make us stronger? Just like those childhood tests, our adult lives have their own set of challenges, our own “jobs” to tackle each day.

Dreams are vital, a source of fire and inspiration. Sharing childhood aspirations with a parent is heartwarming, and holding onto big dreams is fantastic. But it’s okay to get lost sometimes, life throws curveballs, and sometimes those curveballs can send your dream in a different direction which makes it hard for you to choose.

So, what do you do then? Cry? Scream? Blame the universe for conspiring against you? We’ve all been there, myself included. But after the tears dry, there’s a choice. You can chase your original dream with renewed determination, or you can adapt it to the new circumstances.

Here’s my secret: I had a dream, and like everyone else, I faced confusion and setbacks. My path took some unexpected turns, but I held onto one goal — to make my family and country proud. I ended up blending three of my favorite career paths; One became my core, the foundation that allowed me to delve into the universe and explore the aviation industry of my dreams. The other two blossomed into cherished hobbies, a way to connect with the beauty of nature whenever the chance arose.

The modern world offers endless opportunities to learn, explore different fields, and even multitask. However, building a strong foundation is key. Start by developing a core skillset that provides stability and acts as a safety net during challenging times.

Once you have that foundation, the world is your oyster. Pursue your passions, whether it’s art, music, entrepreneurship, or a YouTube channel. These interests can become fulfilling hobbies, side hustles, or even, one day, your dream career.

Remember, not everyone thrives in a traditional academic setting. If you have a natural talent in sports, for example, dedicate yourself to honing that skill. It could lead to a fulfilling and lucrative career path.

Ultimately, the choice is yours: refine your existing goals or chase a new passion. Both paths can lead to success and happiness if you put your heart into it. The most important thing is to avoid future regrets by making choices that align with your values and aspirations.

Life can be tough, but hey, at least it’s not as tough as whales getting tangled in plastic! As long as we draw breath, let’s spread love, be kind, and explore the beauty this world offers. It’s a chance to learn, to grow, and to leave our mark before the curtain falls.

Here’s to a fantastic day, and a life filled with purpose!





Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

|| Aero ✈️ • Art 🎨 • Yoga 🧘‍♀️• Nature 🍄‍🟫 • Universe 🌌 || Hello, Thankyou for being here. I'll try my best to comeback with better stories eachtime. ✨💖