How to Become Popular on TikTok

Richard Morin
Published in
5 min readSep 23, 2019

The despair of most beginning video bloggers trying to conquer the top five social networks is quite understandable. After uploading several successful, in your opinion, videos, you become disappointed from an unfairly small amount of likes. Is your promotion standing still, and fast promotion is only a thing you can dream of?<br><br><br> Even if you have excellent content, it’s very difficult to gain a significant number of subscribers without promotion services, especially in a short period of time. The reason is simple: all the interesting topics have long been exploited by popular bloggers with large budgets. You need a stroke of genius to find an original niche. But cheer up! It is possible to break this pattern. And if you are not a millionaire, the only way to succeed is to pay attention to new social networks that are just gaining popularity.

Among them in terms of user growth TikTok, a service for creating and sharing short videos, is leading the way. So why is the service attracting so many people and gains hundreds of millions of new followers every year? And how efficient are promotion services on this platform? Its secret lies in unique and easy to learn tools for video dubbing and editing, live streaming and easily sharing content among a huge number of users. Therefore, using TikTok promotion services does not require tremendous efforts and investin a lot of cash. We’ll take more about this later. And in order to better understand features of this social network, let’s start with its short but unique history and particularities.

TikTok account promotion services. More followers — more opportunities

The service arose in its modern form recently, in November 2017. This is when the revolutionary idea and a huge pool of followers merged together. TikTok owes its success and rapid promotion to two components, which combine perfectly with each other.

The first component of promotion is the brainchild of Louis Young and Alex Joo. In 2014, they launched the service The focus on innovation lied in the social networks’ priority on easily sharing original videos and music. Its users immediately appreciated the new format and unique features, that’s why the app’s popularity grew at an incredible pace. Even then, promoting an account through promotion services became relevant. So in 2016, the audience was some 90 million, but by the end of 2017 this number increased to 200 million registered users. A year after its launch, the app became the most downloaded app in most developed countries. And by 2016, the daily number of downloads exceeded 30 million.

The second component of promotion is an influx of people from the East. The Asian giant Bytedance became interested in, which was offering a similar product to Chinese users at the time. A completely local service then, launched in 2016 and gained incredible popularity. The population of China is huge, but it’s still amazing that in just a year the new app managed to expand its audience to 500 (!) million people. You can agree that even then, it was an amazing time for TikTok promotion services.

Two outstanding players simultaneously playing on the field of entertainment social networks were destined to meet. In November 2017, Bytedance announced the purchase of for 1 billion dollars. This move marked the emergence of the joint platform called “TikTok — including”

Today, the TikTok community counts more than a billion users. The main audience consists of young people from 13 to 25 years old. Being naturally interested in new things, they were first to appreciate all the delights of easy interaction within this video platform. But the age level is steadily rising. Both well-known music artists and manufacturers of various goods began to distribute their advertising content there. This once again confirms that using TikTok promotion services is the shortest path to becoming popular.

TikTok features

As stated above, thanks to a number of revolutionary tools, using TikTok account promotion services is an easy and fun process. Let’s take a closer look at this unique toolkit.

Key Features:

  • Creating videos using a smartphone. Dubbing using a huge library of free tracks.
  • Editing a video. Using numerous filters and effects, as well as changing a video’s speed. Sticking together video clips, voiceover, etc.
  • Using hashtags for promotion. Thanks to this feature, you can quickly sort videos by topics of your interest.
  • Automatic sorting of videos according to trends and your interests (getting there is the goal of any promotion).
  • Convenient search by category.
  • Automatically highlighting popular users with a special crown mark.

So, we can confidently say that TikTok has everything necessary for an efficient promotion of talented artists or any interesting content. The network’s prospects look bright. Therefore, anyone, who decides to share their ideas and creativity with as many people as possible, needs to use TikTok account promotion services.

Gaining followers through TikTok promotion services: how you should do it

Remember that promoting a TikTok account is only possible if its content is interesting. In other words, if in each one of your videos you’ll have an apple lying on the table, or something even worse, then you’ll never have a lot of followers. But even if your video is as interesting as a Hollywood blockbuster, then you still can’t do it without using several effective promotion techniques. First of all, other users need to know about your super-cool video. Here are some tips on how to achieve this. They will range from slow and complex to simple and fast, but more expensive.

Tip 1.

Upload an interesting video. Yes, we’ve already talked about this, but there’s nothing bad in repeating this. Be creative, record what others don’t. Shoot like others do not. And you will surely find an audience of followers who will find your content interesting. But it will take time. In order to speed up your TikTok promotion services, read the following tip.

Tip 2.

Promotion of your TikTok account will go faster if you pay money to freelancers. There are many platforms, where you can easily find a sufficient number of people, who will agree for a little money to like your video, follow your account and leave a comment.

Tip 3.

Getting TikTok followers through ads on accounts of popular video bloggers. Everything is simple: write a message to the owner of a promoted account and arrange for them to advertise your content in their video. There are many ways to do it. Usually, they provide prices for each of them. The decision is up to you.

Tip 4.

The most efficient way of promotion is to use the specialized service MRPOPULAR. It’s very easy to start using it: you can start your TikTok promotion services in just two clicks. You choose your way of promotion from two options. The thing is that both real people and bots can follow your TikTok account. They can put as many likes to your video as you’d like. However, you shouldn’t overdo the “automatic” promotion. The system may suspect something suspicious and ban you. This is why real people are more expensive. MRPOPULAR has a huge number of accounts, that’s why paid TikTok promotion services cannot be distinguished from organic growth.

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