How to get More Views on your Instagram Stories

Richard Morin
Published in
5 min readDec 2, 2019

Instagram Stories were launched in 2016, dividing the world into two. Those who consider the innovation to be a benchmark of useless and those who are making another story right now at the sushi bar. We will not analyze both parties’ arguments. We are interested in buying Instagram story views as an advertising tool.

Instagram is a serious online platform for content promotion, along with YouTube and Facebook. Its advantages are its strong visual component, the ability to post stories, a nice interface and how much people love to take photos of their faces. Instagram has a multi-million audience around the world. This answers the question whether you should buy Instagram story views. If your product is seen by millions, it will increase the sales in any case.

Why Instagram stories?

But why should you buy story views? It may seem that buying followers and post views makes much more sense. After all, stories disappear from the Instagram feed in a day, no matter how good their content is. Let’s see what the advantages of buying Instagram story views are and why you should do it.

There is a fixed sector with posts on Instagram that remain on the account page and are always available for viewing. This part can be done with a certain style. All this is done after a thorough analysis of audience preferences. But what if there is an urgent offer, and you need to post it fast in the feed before competitors? What if you don’t have time to edit a photo and do color correction? In this situation, it is better to make a story and put it on public display. You do not have to worry about its quality. Our task is to quickly convey information to the customer by buying views.

A large number of Instagram story views improves your ranking among advertisers. If people watch your content, then they will see the ads.

When you buy story views, you’ll be able to quickly deliver various content to your audience and set up the stage for your advertising campaign.

If you do not have the time and money to analyze the basis of SEO promotion and targeted advertising, then buying Instagram story views will significantly speed up the process. Instagram stories provide many features: you can add hashtags and geolocations. A story can reach the top with them, which will bring an immediate effect in the form of new followers, increased compression, and profitable advertising offers.

Instagram stories have an advanced statistics tool. You can watch detailed summaries and know who exactly visited your page. It’s easier to research your target audience through stories.

Who needs it?

Instagram story is a free environment where you can post both photos and videos. You can thematically link them, building a coherent narrative. An Instagram story is literally a story in this case, there is an element of storytelling. Storytelling is a new and popular phenomenon in Internet marketing, which allows you to make advertising more interesting, intriguing, and humane.

In 2019, classic advertising is no longer effective as it once was, people do not trust it anymore. Just screaming the slogan “Buy my thing!” is not enough. But if you tell a story to users, through photos and videos, then there will be an illusion of real communication. The consumer will see not a soulless commercial Instagram account that promotes services, but a real person. Storytelling in the form of a visual story is great for attacking the perception of a modern person who doesn’t like to read. This is the advantage of stories on Instagram. You need to use promotion services to bring a story to the top and reach as many people as possible.

Anyone who promotes their business on Instagram can use storytelling elements. MRPOPULAR will provide an opportunity to show your creative solutions to people. Buying Instagram story views is relevant for these categories of users:

  • bloggers; this category of users has a huge freedom of content variety. They have flexibility in customizing stories content, imagination, and personal charisma on their side. Stories for this category of users is an ideal promotion tool. Promotion services speed up the account popularization.
  • entrepreneurs; buying story views is great for small businesses. We have already established the benefits of Instagram stories: responsiveness, flexibility, and storytelling. All this is good for a unique presentation of goods or services to a large audience.
  • large businesses; the market’s big players have accounts on social networks. Many underestimate the Internet’s influence, however a progressive business doesn’t shy away from Internet promotion tools. Buying story views will allow them to originally present their services and bring life into the soulless corporate machine in the consumer’s eyes.
  • public figures; Politicians, singers, athletes, and the church: promoting a personal brand increases self-esteem and, most importantly, material success. Nobody shuns promotion services.

All categories of Instagram users can promote a product or a personal brand.

How to buy Instagram story views?

A user who wants to buy views can choose the needed amount at six possible rates. The first three are offers of different quality, the others suggest buying real story views. What are the advantages?

Promotion services help achieve the results of a large and thought-out advertising campaign much faster and cheaper. Ad posts and reposts from the opinion leaders will not have an instant effect. You will have to wait a week, a month, six months. And no one guarantees the result of an advertising campaign. It may be unsuccessful.

Nobody wants to spend money on results they can’t expect. Buying story views will speed up the promotion process and make it more reliable. The user can focus on the content without thinking too much about Instagram promotion.

Promotion services with MRPOPULAR

The advantages of buying story views with MRPOPULAR are speed and simplicity. You don’t need to register. All you have to do is to visit the site, select the buying story views promotion service and wait for it to launch. Our site’s team will do everything for you. We will provide prompt feedback in case of technical issues. Your time and state of mind are our main priorities. It’s not in our rules to waste the first and abuse the second.

Article originally published on

