Increase your Instagram Story Poll Activity

Richard Morin
Published in
4 min readFeb 17, 2020

Instagram stories are meant for creating instant content that quickly appears, raises hype, and disappears. In the information age, where communication between people is accelerated to the maximum, Instagram stories reflect people’s susceptibility to momentary entertainment. Stories also have a polling function. The user comes in direct contact with the audience, is interested in their opinion on various questions, and draws conclusions about content’s further direction.

Instagram story poll is a promotion tool. If you use it correctly, a poll either entertains the audience, or gives a ton of valuable data to marketers: the voices of the target audience create its profile. But in order to attract attention to a poll, you need to buy votes.

The average Instagram story poll. What does it look like and what can it give you?

First of all, an Instagram story poll is a detector of audience opinion. A travel blogger asks, “Dear target audience, where should I go now?” And there are three answer options: Uganda, Argentina, Spain. People are given the right to vote and they have the illusion of creating content. The happy blogger goes to Uganda. But perhaps, he wanted to see Argentina. This is why he may have needed to buy votes for the “correct” answer.

Of course we are exaggerating. It would be very unlikely for this situation to happen in real life.

Another possibility. A poll as a dialogue. The blogger reads the book The Master and Margarita and asks, “Dear target audience, have you read this weird book?” And the options are: “read and liked,” “did not read, but criticize.” The audience taps the option it likes and votes. Sometimes they write comments like: “I don’t like Bulgakov, he’s a stupid director.” If people are not interested in literature, then you can buy some votes just to be safe. An imitation of activity will attract real activity.

The third possibility. Bear Grylls makes his way through the jungles of South Vietnam and somehow, he gets a 4G connection. He makes an Instagram story with a poll: “Dear target audience, what should I do? Should I coat my face with crocodile blood or eat a spider?” Well, anyway… This possibility is too unrealistic. However, if Bear Grylls wants to survive, we advise him to buy votes for the option: “Do nothing, call an evacuation helicopter and fly home to lie in bed.”

In any case, story polls is a way to stimulate user activity. Voting intensity is just as important as views, likes, and saves. Buying votes creates the social proof called “There is hype here. Perhaps I will take part in it too.”

Why should you buy third-party services?

The user will say, “MRPOPULAR, are you crazy? I have 118 followers, this is enough for a poll.”

Let’s say 118 followers is a big number (which is not the case at all). Among those, about 40 are the “Iowa Tattoos” type of Instagram accounts. Another 20 are bots that advertise you financial pyramids (a form of business prohibited almost everywhere in the world) in Instagram DMs. The rest are real people, but in fact only 3 people follow your Instagram. Your mother, your sister and a suspicious man with an axe. Do you want to get the votes of real people for your polls? And so that there were more than three? Then buy these 118 votes. Your story will appear in the feed of a person who is not even following you. He will be interested in it and vote.

Buying votes is not just for the numbers. This is pointless since you need to know the real opinion of the audience. You buy poll votes to attract attention. You do remember that Instagram user activity attracts advertisers? And if you are not interested in advertising, then you need to provide people with your content. Mom, sister and the man with an axe are very dear to your heart (and ours too!), but it is nothing from the point of statistics.

Everyone knows the “provocateur” type of person. The provocateur appears in the crowd, and by yelling something, inclines it to do some kind of action. For example, for people to turn a car over and set it on fire. Or, so that they participate in the game of three glasses and a ball. It doesn’t matter what it is really. What does matter, is that buying Instagram story poll votes is a very harmless provocateur that calls for people to vote.

How to buy Instagram story poll votes

I hope we convinced you of how important this activity is. It is quite simple to do, actually. Our employees will do everything professionally without violating the service’s rules, which could get your account banned. MRPOPULAR employs people who know their way around social network algorithms.

In order to buy poll votes, you need to visit our website, select Instagram and “stories” in the menu. You will have a choice of four options. Three of them are related to buying views. Do not pay attention to them. Choose “Poll votes.” A menu will open up, where you’ll need to specify a link to an Instagram profile, the number of the poll vote and the amount of votes. The service of buying votes will be completed the day a story poll is released. You just have to lean back and watch the voting process take place.

Buying our services will save your time and resources. Choose wisely. Our doors are always open for you.

Article originally published on

