Automata Walking Pt. 1

A Beginning

Mrs. Capricious
Mrs. Capricious Erotica


Your author

I was sick of playing. Not me, other people. I was sick of them playing. The Let's Pretend of sex. Making a facile game out of true dominance. I'd told them, explained. But their ears were closed.

Their stupid empty games of sex with the odd spank. Throwing around ‘Master’ and ‘Mistress’ with petty abandon.

Today, I'd provide a lesson. A practical demonstration. My drones would show the way. The time for preparation was over. They were ready.

The Bankhouse was a private members sex club downtown. From the outside it gave the appearance of a closed-up old public house. But those who knew, knew. I shook my head as I stepped from the car and gazed up at the building. I thought back to my first time in a sex club. You fuck one person and suddenly whole unseen communities are open to you. They relied on social media for OpSec, which was a mistake.

Elle and I had been to the Bankhouse a few times before, usually to their girls-only events, but the last time had been their monthly munch. I'd been left… Unimpressed. They’d sealed their own fates. Bankhouse itself was a nice joint. Well-appointed. For a sex club. But the building was the least of it.

Today we would turn a corner, my hive and I.



Mrs. Capricious
Mrs. Capricious Erotica

Capricious by name, steadfast by nature. Trans femme dyke. Smutsmith. Provocateur. Witch. Poet. Slut. Idiot.