I’m a Trans Woman, a Mentor, a Witch, and Inveterate Apostate

The Nature of Magic; a Cascade of Transformation.

Mrs. Capricious
Mrs. Capricious Writes


Author's photo

Originally published in Prism & Pen 21-03-21 .

My name is Abigail Imogen Drake. I am a trangender woman, and I am a witch.

This is my tale of transformation.

In three days’ time I’ll be fifty. So I’m a (nearly) fifty year old housewife and full-time carer. I also work as a volunteer retail assistant for the UK’s largest children’s charity, Barnardo’s. An organisation for whom I hope to soon be a mentor to trans and gender non-conforming kids and young adults.

Given my apparent altruism it occasionally surprises people to learn that I’m an inveterate apostate. I was raised Baptist and anglo-catholic, then moved to an evangelical denomination when I became a born-again Christian at the age of 13. I’d converted during Billy Graham’s ‘Mission: England’ campaign, such an island of sinners is the UK. I shudder now that I was persuaded to my faith by such an enemy of the LGBTQ community (though back then I had no idea of my true gender OR sexuality, or rather I wasn’t yet strong enough to assert myself in the face of the world’s opinion of me).

My faith lasted until I was 27, when it was eroded and finally broke due to disillusionment with…



Mrs. Capricious
Mrs. Capricious Writes

Capricious by name, steadfast by nature. Trans femme dyke. Smutsmith. Provocateur. Witch. Poet. Slut. Idiot.