Active Learning

Data Journalism workshop activity

Malik Singleton
Malik Singleton
1 min readSep 26, 2019


Case details


People know that they need answers to research questions, but once they learn that the info is organized within a database, they get intimidated. They assume that learning to speak to a database must require a steep learning curve and an understanding of very complex and cryptic computer code.


I crafted an activity designed to teach beginners the key concepts of the most universal database language, SQL, so that they can grasp the purpose and have fun at the same time. The activity asks workshop participants (J School students) to get up and physically move into place according to whether or not they personally match the query result, then explain what they now get about SQL. Students gained understanding really quickly and got excited to learn SQL without intimidation.


Participants enjoyed learning SQL by physically acting out the results of the onscreen query.



Malik Singleton
Malik Singleton

L.A. native in NYC. I work in higher ed. New dad. I dig film, bbq, playoffs and progress.