
Details about my background and experience

Malik Singleton
Malik Singleton
2 min readSep 23, 2019


I support NYU IT’s Web Publishing service with accurate documentation, technical communications, and reliable sources of information.

As partners of NYU’s library division, my IT group supports learning and development with instructional design and technology. We also use operational workflows to support research and academic media development — digitizing information, converting it to various media formats, and transferring it to our content management platforms.

My core responsibilities in the cycles involve the content management end where all of my experience, whether web content production or journalism or data visualization or technical writing can come into play.

Knowledge Management

Capture and Transfer

I require my team keep regular notes and written descriptions of tacit and implicit know-how that is critical to our operations. We use knowledge sharing practices in our frequent routines to create value for the future.

Technical Writing

I document important processes and present them in formats that are usable by given audiences — emphasizing simplicity and clarity above all else.


I do technical support for NYU’s WordPress platform, one of the university’s most active software as a service environments. I serve as the top tier agent, responsible for solving issues that can’t otherwise be resolved at lower tiers.

Education Technology

Learning Management

I build course material in conventional systems including Canvas and Schoology, as well as unconventional sharing platforms including GitHub, WordPress, and Medium.

Service Management

I work to scale enterprise-wide apps and implement improvement processes, namely knowledge management and change management, according to the ITIL model.

Teaching & Training

Instructional Media

I produce interactive learning materials using tools for graphics, video, audio, slides, motion.

Professional Development

I coach and consult directly with instructors aiming to improve how they make best use of technology as they employ pedagogical strategies.

Web Design


I do mobile first design, front end development, user experience testing, and information architecture.


I build content according to strict WCAG compliance standards, thoroughly checked for proper color contrast, reader experience, and metadata.


Data Journalism

I use research methods, computer-assisted reporting, data analysis and visualization to substantiate reporting with empirical evidence.

Media Innovation

I teach a course on entrepreneurial journalism.

Stock photo of eyeglasses resting on a laptop keyboard with computer code visible on screen, photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash
Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash



Malik Singleton
Malik Singleton

L.A. native in NYC. I work in higher ed. New dad. I dig film, bbq, playoffs and progress.