Writer’s Blog 4

The Digital Perspective
3 min readFeb 8, 2024

Biases and stereotypes influence the way we think about certain things. They can influence the way we view people, cultures, groups, religions, and so much more.

While stereotypes and bias are grouped together I think they can also be interpreted differently. A bias is more of a persons opinion. This can mean the way they lean in a specific topic. A stereotype can be influenced by outside opinions and thoughts.

We often hear stereotypes and slowly our mind starts to believe them. Since that is what we know about that specific thing, that is what we believe. This can influence the way we are interpreting the world around us as well. We allow these biases and stereotypes to take over our minds, even if it is not what we truly believe.

We are all affected by stereotypes, whether it is because we fall into one or we have become subjected to believe one. I can admit I have been on both sides of stereotypes. Although we all try to avoid them, sometimes it can be difficult. If these stereotypes are all you have been taught or heard, then it can be difficult to ignore them.

Biases are especially prominant when writing. Everyone has a point of view when they are writing. This point of view can be affected by a certain bias or stereotype. We are all human which means we all have some sort of bias. We all have opinions and beliefs which can affect how we are writing. There is bias in every author’s writing.

Since we all have a bias, I think it is better to own your bias. Write your thoughts and opinions rather than trying to be a neutral source. In writing your own bias, you can also include the opposing research to your bias. This is what makes a good piece of writing, espeically an informational piece. Including facts from both sides, but you can also show your own true opinion.

I think biases have positives and negatives associated with them. If you do not have any bias in any categories, that means you do not have an opinion. Your bias implies your opinion on a topic. Being bias does not always have to be a bad thing, it simply means you have thoughts on a topic. Personally, I think biases can improve a piece of writing in certain situations. They allow for a full perspective on one side of something. The negatives that come with having a bias could be too strong of an opinion. In having a heavy bias, especially in your writing, you are not fully informing your reader. You are simply informing them on your opinion without leeway for different opinions.

Without having a bias we would not be human. All human have their own thoughts and opinions and that leads to having a bias. Since we all have these biases, it is difficult to write something without allowing them to influence our writing. We are all influenced by are own thoughts and opinions, so why not share them with everyone else?

