Writer’s Blog 8

The Digital Perspective
2 min readMar 27, 2024

Pitching my thoughts and ideas to a publication is a new concept to me. I have never imagined myself sitting down and writing something that I would actually consider publishing. This made finding a publication a little more difficult for me.

When I went on my search to find a home for what I intended to wrote about, I tried many different ways. I searched for stories about mental health and social media to see where they were published. I searched for publications that simply dealt with only my topic. While I feel my topic is wide spread issue, I did not find many other pieces like the one I intend to write.

As a writer, it can be a good thing that you do not find any other writings like yours. No one else has thought the same way about the topic as you have. You can bring new ideas and perspectives to an already known issue. This will make your piece stand out and make publications want to publish your writing on their site in order to make their site more well-rounded and seeing different viewpoints.

Writing to fit a publication can be harder than finding a publication for your writing. If you find a publication first, you might have to alter your writing ideas and process in order to fit that publications standards and expectations. You will have to keep in mind what the publication is looking for when you are writing your piece. When you find a publication after you have your solid concept of your piece, you can find a publication that will fully match your writing. Your writing will find a home in that publication.

How do you find the right publication for your writing? To find your writing a home, you must look at publication guidelines. The guidelines will give you exactly what the publication is looking for in new pieces to publish. It will give you the topics that the publication looks for as well. This will help you to determine if this is the right publication for what you are writing about in your piece. These guidelines will also show you what to include in your pitch to the publication. They will tell you what the publication will be looking for in each pitch they see.

Finding the right topic for your piece can be difficult as well. As I said previously, you can find a publication and work backwards from there. You can find a publication that has posted pieces that intrigue you and get inspiration from there. Doing it this way can help you find what you are interested in writing about.

Finding the right publication for your writing can be a difficult process. Your writing needs the be posted on the right publication in order for it to gain the proper exposure. Doing the right research for publications will help you to be exposed to different ways to publish and help you to find the rigth home for your writing.

