Beginner’s Guide to Node.js and Kafka Integration

Sadisha Dilmin Samarasinghe
MS Club of SLIIT
Published in
4 min readDec 10, 2023

I’ll talk about how I set up Kafka to provide website analytics and event tracking for a web application.

What is Kafka

Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform used by thousands of companies for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, data integration, and mission-critical applications.Here are some use cases of Kafka include:

✨Real-time stream processing

✨Messaging system

✨Log Aggregation

✨Event sourcing

✨Data pipeline

This is a high level architecture diagram of how Kafka works:

To understand Kafka, let’s first list some of the basics:

Applications that send data to Kafka are known as producers. Producers publish records to Kafka topics, and each record consists of a key, value, and timestamp.

Applications that read data from Kafka are referred to as consumers. Consumers subscribe to specific topics and receive a continuous stream of records. They can also be notified whenever a new record is sent to the subscribed topic.

Producers send records to Kafka, and each record is associated with a topic. Topics represent a particular stream of data.

Kafka maintains an offset for each consumer within a topic. The offset represents the position of a consumer within the topic’s log.

Kafka ensures the order of messages within a given topic, regardless of the number of consumers or producers.

Setting up Kafka locally

Follow steps 1 to 4 of the official Kafka Quickstart Guide available on the Apache Kafka website.

$ tar -xzf /path/to/kafka_2.11–1.0.0.tgz cd kafka_2.11–1.0.0
$ tar -xzf /path/to/kafka_2.11–1.0.0.tgz

Kafka relies on ZooKeeper, so before starting Kafka, you need to set up a ZooKeeper server if you don’t already have one. Kafka provides a convenient script that allows you to quickly set up a single-node ZooKeeper instance for testing purposes.

$ bin/ config/
$ bin/ config/

Then start the Kafka server

$ bin/ config/
$ bin/ config/

Let’s create a topic named with a single partition and only one replica:

$ bin/ — create — zookeeper localhost:2282— replication-factor 1 — partitions 1 — topic

$ bin/ — create — zookeeper localhost:2282 — replication-factor 1 — partitions 1 — topic

Then run the list topic command to see the topic:

$ bin/ — list — zookeeper localhost:2282
$ bin/ — list — zookeeper localhost:2282

Now, Kafka is set up and running on http://localhost:2282.

Kafka-producer in Javascript

You can use the kafka-node npm module to write a Kafka producer in JavaScript. Depending on your use case, you can either have the producer live on its own server or integrate it with your existing web application.

const kafka = require('kafka-node');
const uuid = require('uuid');

const client = new kafka.Client("http://localhost:2282", "my-client-id", {
sessionTimeout: 300,
spinDelay: 100,
retries: 2

const producer = new kafka.HighLevelProducer(client);
producer.on("ready", function() {
console.log("Kafka Producer is connected and ready.");

// For this demo we just log producer errors to the console.
producer.on("error", function(error) {

const KafkaService = {
sendRecord: ({ type, userId, sessionId, data }, callback = () => {}) => {
if (!userId) {
return callback(new Error("A userId must be provided."));

const event = {
id: uuid.v4(),
userId: userId,
sessionId: sessionId,
type: type,
data: data

const buffer = new Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(event));

// Create a new payload
const record = [
topic: "",
messages: buffer,
attributes: 1 /* Use GZip compression for the payload */

//Send record to Kafka and log result/error
producer.send(record, callback);
export default KafkaService;


The KafkaService object is defined with the sendRecord method, which accepts a record object and an optional callback. The topic is set as "" for sending the records.

Kafka-consumer in Javascript

You can use the kafka-node npm module to write a Kafka consumer in JavaScript. Here's an example of how you can create a Kafka consumer using kafka-node in a separate Express server to listen to events and store them in a database:

const kafka = require('kafka-node');

const client = new kafka.Client("http://localhost:2282");

const topics = [
topic: ""
const options = {
autoCommit: true,
fetchMaxWaitMs: 1000,
fetchMaxBytes: 1024 * 1024,
encoding: "buffer"

const consumer = new kafka.HighLevelConsumer(client, topics, options);

consumer.on("message", function(message) {

// Read string into a buffer.
var buf = new Buffer(message.value, "binary");
var decodedMessage = JSON.parse(buf.toString());

//Events is a Sequelize Model Object.
return Events.create({
type: decodedMessage.type,
userId: decodedMessage.userId,
sessionId: decodedMessage.sessionId,
data: JSON.stringify(,
createdAt: new Date()

consumer.on("error", function(err) {
console.log("error", err);

process.on("SIGINT", function() {
consumer.close(true, function() {

Once you have written the Kafka consumer code, you can start it by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

node kafka-consumer.js

This command will execute the consumer script and start consuming events from the Kafka topic.

I hope that this guide has provided you with a solid understanding of how to initiate your Kafka and Node.js .If you have any further inquiries or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you!

