Microsoft Premonition- Controlling Pathogens Reimagined

Divyam Pradhan
Published in
4 min readOct 29, 2021
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Challenges posed by the global pandemic

It has been around two years since we dived deep into the pandemic era, and whether we like it or not, it has changed our lifestyle completely. Be it global issues like business, economy, trade, or personal ones like social life, holidays, etc., it has impacted every sector, and we all have faced its effects on an individual level.

But the thing to ponder here is that we never saw it coming. Even with all the huge advancements in tech and science, we were clueless about such a large-scale virus. Travelling backward two years, we never expected that a global pandemic of this multitude would hit us out of the blue, and that may be the reason we suffered such heavy casualties and losses in every sector. The reason is we were unprepared. But what if we had predicted this incoming disaster? Perhaps the conditions wouldn’t be this grim as of now.

But like they assert — “The oldest and strongest emotion of humanity is fear, and therefore the oldest and strongest fear is fear of the unknown”; this fear of the unknown has gripped everyone’s heart. Because nobody knows what the future holds for us. As more and more people realized the hour of need, intellectuals and tech giants around the globe began working on a multitude of projects to counter this ‘Fear Of Unknown’. One such project which is gaining mass admiration is ‘MICROSOFT PREMONITION’.

What is Microsoft Premonition- a solution for preventing such pandemics in the future?

The motive behind this project is to predict when and how the next epidemic will occur. Now, as it may sound, accomplishing such a task is difficult. The world where we live is complex. It has too many variables or factors that affect it continuously. Further, the question arises, how can we predict such an entangled model? Well, thanks to innovative technology and countless brains behind this project, this unfeasible task seems workable.

Reimagining Pathogen Imaging

This Herculean task is initialized by observing. As most of us are aware, pathogens cause diseases, and tracking of pathogens is done by monitoring the hosts. The transmitting species of insects like mosquitoes are tracked across the entire world using a smart trap developed by the same.

Robotic Traps used for capturing insects for observation
Robotic Traps used for capturing insects for observation

The wide network of these robotic traps is used to identify the disease-carrying insects around the world. They deployed high-functioning sensors in these robotic traps to capture and transmit data in milliseconds. The captured data is sequenced with DNA and records of the species in real-time with extensive use of AI and Cloud storage. These are then used to monitor and classify threats.

Now, the next step in the process is the detection of pathogens in the data collected. This is a perplexing task, but DNA sequencing comes to the rescue. Conversion into digital data and mapping it with a reference database completes this task. Cloud scale genome sequencing and A. It is used profusely to continue gathering evidence and predict the menacing species which loom to threaten the attack.

Common Pathogen carriers like mosquitoes form the basis of observation

Technology used in Premonition

These tasks are all facilitated by smart types, which play an important role in the system. Armed with leading-edge technology, these are a wonder in themselves. From the infrared sensor to collection cells, these AI-enabled systems provide the input that is required in the project. Since data plays a pivotal role in this, these devices are equipped to store a vast amount of info which facilitates real-time analysis.

Provided by this network, biologists equipped researchers with crucial information to predict the next upcoming epidemic. Prediction of disease, its symptoms, and its cure could be developed earlier, and this boost will go a long way in halting the upcoming pandemic in the future. Caution could be taken beforehand, and thus it will save humanity from substantial loss and disruption in society.

It is as they say, “Necessity is the mother of invention” and this project is a perfect example of this.

